Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 61 Part 1.djvu/40

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PUBLIC LAWS-CH. 20 -MAR . 22 , 1947 Post, p. 363 . 60 Stat. 772. 42U.S.C.§ 1815. 26U.S.C.note prec. § 3600. 60 Stat. 400. Post, p. 107. 50U.S.C. app. §601 note. Liquidation. Columbia is hereby authorized to employ such personnel for the edu- cation of pages as may be required and to pay compensation for such services from January 2, 1947, in accordance with such rates of compensation as the Board of Education may prescribe: Provided, That the facilities provided for the education of such pages shall be available from and after January 2, 1947, also for the education of such other minors who are congressional employees as may be cer- tified by the Secretary of the Senate and the Clerk of the House of Representatives to receive such education. JOINT COMMITTEE ON ATOMIC ENERGY For salaries and expenses of the Joint Committee on Atomic Energy created by section 15 of the Atomic Energy Act of 1946, including compensation of consultants at such rates as may be fixed by the com- mittee but not exceeding $35 gross each per day while actually employed, fiscal year 1947, $50,000, to be disbursed by the Secretary of the Senate on vouchers approved by the chairman; and the Secre- tary of the Senate hereby is authorized to advance to the committee on the receipt of the chairman such sums within the appropriation as may be necessary from time to time to defray incidental expenses, to be accounted for in the same manner as provided by law for Senate committees. COMMIrTEE ON FEDERAL EXPENDrITUES For an amount which is hereby authorized to enable the Joint Committee on Reduction of Nonessential Federal Expenditures to carry out the duties imposed upon it by section 601 of the Revenue Act of 1941 (55 Stat. 726), to remain available during the existence of the committee, $7,500, to be disbursed by the Secretary of the Senate. ARCHITEOT OF THE CAPITOL Senate Office Building: For an additional amount, fiscal year 1947, for maintenance, including the objects specified unlder this head in the Legislative Branch Appopopriation Act, 1947, $32,0(X), to be expended by the Architect of the Capitol for structural and nmechan- ical alterations and improvements to provide accolmmodations in the Senate Office Building for the Senate folding room, including all necessary incidental expenses in connection therewith. EXECUTIVE OFFICE OF THE PRESIDENT OFFICE FOR EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT OFFICE OF DEFENSE TRANSPORTATION Salaries and expenses: For an additional amount, fiscal year 1947, for "Salaries and expenses"; $136,500. OFFICE OF TEMPORARY CONTROLS Salaries and expenses: For an additional amount, fiscal year 1947, for the Office of Price Administration transferred by Executive Order 9809 of December 12, 1946, to the Office of Temporary Controls, $7,051,752, to be available for the payment of terminal leave only: Provided. That it is the intent of the Congress that the funds hereto- fore and herein appropriated shall include all expenses incident to the closing and liquidation of the Office of Price Administration and the Office of Temporary Controls by June 30, 1947. [61 STAT.