Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 61 Part 1.djvu/413

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61 STAT.] 80TH CONG., 1 ST SESS.-CH. 268 -JULY 18, 1947 and field, outfits for aviation messes, the purchase for aviation purposes only of special clothing, wearing apparel, and special equipment, and for contribution to the support of schools as authorized by section 13 of the Act of August 2, 1946 (Public Law 604), $318,000,000; for con- tinuing experiments, development, and research on all types of air- craft, $75,000,000, in all, $501,000,000, of which amount $90,000,000 shall remain available until expended: Provided, That not to exceed $100,000,000 of the funds appropriated for "Aviation, Navy," fiscal year 1945, shall continue available during the fiscal year 1948 for the liquidation of contractual obligations for aircraft and aircraft equip- ment procurement incurred during the fiscal year 1945: Provided fur- ther, That in addition to this appropriation the Secretary may, prior to July 1, 1948, contract for new construction, procurement and equip- ment of aircraft, including spare parts and accessories therefor, in an amount not in excess of $248,000,000. MARINE CORPS PAY, MARINE CORPS Pay of officers: For pay and allowances prescribed by law for all officers on active duty-pay and allowances, $27,480,000 including $3,174,000 for increased pay for making aerial flights, none of which shall be available for increased pay for making aerial flights by nonflying officers or observers at rates in excess of those prescribed by law for the Army, which shall be the legal maximum rates as to such nonflying officers or observers; subsistence allowance, $3,625,000; rental allowance, $5,303,000; in all, $36,408,000; For pay of officers prescribed by law on the retired list, not on active duty, $5,600,000; Pay of enlisted personnel: For pay and allowances of all enlisted personnel and musicians on active duty as prescribed by law; expenses of clerks of the Marine Corps traveling under orders; additional compensation for enlisted personnel of the Marine Corps qualified as experts, sharpshooters, marksmen, aircraft machine gun- ners, or regularly detailed as gun captains, gun pointers; interest on deposits by enlisted personnel; pay of enlisted personnel desig- nated as Navy mail clerks and assistant Navy mail clerks both afloat and ashore; and for gratuities to enlisted personnel discharged not under honorable conditions-pay and allowances, $127,500,000; allow- ance for lodging and subsistence, $7,500,000; in all, $135,000,000; For pay and allowances prescribed by law of enlisted personnel on the retired list not on active duty, $2,186,000: For pay and allowances of personnel of the Marine Corps Reserve as prescribed by law, $10,000,000; For mileage, actual and necessary expenses, and per diem in lieu of subsistence as authorized by law to officers traveling under orders without troops, $1,400,000; In all, $190,594,000, and the money herein specifically appropriated for pay of the Marine Corps shall be disbursed and accounted for in accordance with existing law and shall constitute one fund. PAY OF CIVIL FORCE, MARINE CORPS Pay of civil force: For personal services at the seat of government, as follows: Offices of the Commandant of the Marine Corps and the Director of Personnel, Marine Corps, $1,075,000. Supply Department, United States Marine Corps, $975,000; in all, $2,050,000. 389 60 Stat. 854. 5U. S. C. §421d. Experiments, etc. Liquidation of con- tractual obligations. New construction. Officers on active duty. Officers on retired list. Enlisted personnel on retired list. Marine Corps Re- serve. Mileage, etc.