Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 61 Part 1.djvu/444

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PUBLIC LAWS-CH. 316-JULY 24, 1947 Limiting of produc- tion, etc. Operation of agree- ment. and prevention of physical waste of such fisheries in all of those areas of the Pacific ocean over which the states of California, Oregon and Washington jointly or separately now have or may hereafter acquire jurisdiction. "Nothing herein contained shall be construed so as to authorize the aforesaid states or any of them to limit the production of fish or fish products for the purpose of establishing or fixing the prices thereof or creating and perpetuating a monopoly. "ArTICLE II "This agreement shall become operative immediately as to those states executing it whenever two or more of the states of California, Oregon and Washington have executed it in the form that is in accord- ance with the laws of the executing state and the congress has given its consent. "ARTICLE III Statrepriesentation "Each state joining herein shall appoint, as determined by state statutes, one or more representatives to a commission hereby consti- tuted and designated as the Pacific Marine Fisheries Commission, of whom one shall be the administrative or other officer of the agency of such state charged with the conservation of the fisheries resources to which this compact pertains. This commission shall be invested with the powers and duties set forth herein. iTerm of commis- "The term of each commissioner of the Pacific marine fisheries commission shall be four years. A commissioner shall hold office until his successor shall be appointed and qualified but such successor's term shall expire four years from legal date of expiration of the term of his predecessor. Vacancies occurring in the office of such commissioner from any reason or cause shall be filled for the unexpired term, or a commissioner may be removed from office, as provided by the statutes of the state concerned. Each commissioner may delegate in writing from time to time, to a deputy, the power to be present and participate, including voting as his representative or substitute, at any meeting of or hearing by or other proceeding of the commission. Voting powers. "Voting powers under this compact shall be limited to one vote for each state regardless of the number of representatives. "ARTICLE IV Inquiry respecting conservation, etc. Coordination of po- lice powers. Recommendations to governors and leg- islatures. "The duty of the said commission shall be to make inquiry and ascertain from time to time such methods, practices, circumstances and conditions as may be disclosed for bringing about the conserva- tion and the prevention of the depletion and physical waste of the fisheries, marine, shell and anadromous, in all of those areas of the Pacific ocean over which the states of California, Oregon and Washington jointly or separately now have or may hereafter acquire jurisdiction. The commission shall have power to recom- mend the coordination of the exercise of the police powers of the several states within their respective jurisdictions and said conserva- tion zones to promote the preservation of those fisheries and their protection against overfishing, waste, depletion or any abuse whatso- ever and to assure a continuing yield from the fisheries resources of the signatory parties hereto. "To that end the commission shall draft and, after consulation with the advisory committee hereinafter authorized, recommend to the governors and legislative branches of the various signatory states hereto legislation dealing with the conservation of the marine, shell and anadromous fisheries in all of those areas of the Pacific 420 [61 STAT.