Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 61 Part 1.djvu/470

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PUBLIC LAWS-OH. 324 -JULY 25, 1947 58 Stat. 394. 39U.8. C. I§321c- 321h. Post, p. 450 . 43 Stat. 463. D. C. Code 8-102 . 58 Stat. 394. 39 U. . C. IC321- 321h. Pos, p . 460. 60 Stat. 810. 5U.8.C.I5a. its rights, appurtenances, and fixtures connected with the same, and over appropriations and expenditures therefor as now provided by law. NATIONAL GUARD For expenses necessary for the National Guard of the District of Columbia, including compensation to the commanding general at the rate of $3,600 per annum; attendance at meetings of associations per- taining to the National Guard; expenses of camps, including hire of horses for officers required to be mounted, and for the payment of commutation of subsistence for enlisted men who may be detailed to guard or move the United States property at home stations on days immediately preceding and immediately following the annual encamp- ments; damages to private property incident to encampment; reim- bursement to the United States for loss of property for which the District of Columbia may be held responsible; cleaning and repairing uniforms, arms, and equipment; instruction, purchase, and mainte- nance of athletic, gymnastic, and recreational equipment at armory or field encampments; practice marches, drills, and parades; rent of armories, drill halls, and storehouses- care and repair of armories, offices, storehouses, machinery, and dock, including dredging alongside of dock; construction of buildings for storage and other purposes at target range; $68,600, to be expended under the direction of the commanding general. NATIONAL CAPITAL PARKS For expenses necessary for the National Capital Parks, including maintenance, care, and improvement of public parks, grounds, foun- tains, and reservations, propagating gardens and greenhouses, and the tourists' camp on its present site in East Potomac Park under the jurisdiction of the National Park Service; placing and maintaining portions of the parks in condition for outdoor sports, erection of stands, furnishing and placing of chairs, and services incident thereto in connection with national, patriotic, civic, and recreational functions held in the parks, including the President's Cup Regatta, and expenses incident to the conducting of band concerts in the parks; such expenses to include pay and allowances of the United States Park police force; per diem employees at rates of pay approved by the Secretary of the Interior, not exceeding current rates of pay for similar employment in the District of Columbia; uniforming and equipping the United States Park Police force, including $225 for deposit in the general fund of the Treasury for cost of penalty mail as required by the Act of June 28, 1944; the purchase, issue, operation, maintenance, repair, exchange, and storage of revolvers, uniforms, ammunition, and radio equipment and the rental of teletype service; and the purchase of passenger motor vehicles, bicycles, motorcycles, and self propelled machinery; the hire of draft animals with or without drivers at local rates approved by the Secretary of the Interior; the purchase and maintenance of draft animals, harness, and wagons; $1,500,000: Provided,That not to exceed $10,000 of the amount herein appropriated may be expended for the erection of minor auxiliary structures. NATIONAL CAPITAL PARK AND PLANNING COMMISSION For necessary expenses of the National Capital Park and Planning Commission except the acquisition of land (40 U. S . C . 71), including $80 for deposit in the general fund of the Treasury for cost of penalty mail as required by the Act of June 28, 1944; stenographic reporting service as authorized by section 15 of the Act of August 2, 1946, Public Law 600, $73,300. 446 [61 STAT.