Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 61 Part 1.djvu/486

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PUBLIC LAW--CH. 337-JULY 25, 1947 Penalty mail costs: For deposit in the general fund of the Treasury for cost of penalty mail of the Department of the Interior, as required 58 Stat. 321- by the Act of June 28,1944, $136,500. 39 U.S. C. §§ 321c- 321h. Ante, p. 45. COMMISSION OF FINE ARTS For expenses made necessary by the Act establishing a Commission 36Stat. 3n. of Fine Arts (40 U. S. C . 104), including personal services in the District of Columbia, hire of passenger motor vehicles, printing and binding and payment of actual traveling expenses of the members and secretary of the Commission in attending meetings and committee meetings of the Commission either within or outside of the District of Columbia, to be disbursed on vouchers approved by the Commission, $12,000. BONNEVILLE POWER ADMINISTRATION post, p. 620. Construction, operation, and maintenance, Bonneville power trans- mission system: To enable the Bonneville Power Administrator to carry out the duties imposed upon him pursuant to law, including the construction of transmission lines, substations, and appurtenant facilities; operation and maintenance of the Bonneville transmission system; marketing of electric power and energy; printing and bind- vU.S .C'a. ing; services as authorized by section 15 of the Act of August 2, 1946 (Public Law 600); purchase of not to exceed fourteen in the fiscal year 1948 and hire of passenger motor vehicles; and maintenance and operation of aircraft; $8,596,400, to be available until expended, Transmisson sys- of which amount not to exceed $2,500,000 shall be available in the tem . fiscal year 1948 for operation and maintenance of the Bonneville transmission system, marketing of electric power and energy, and administrative expenses connected therewith, including $24,000 for Pod, p. e6. personal services in the District of Columbia: Provided,That in addi- tion to this appropriation the Administrator is authorized to contract in the fiscal year 1948 for materials and equipment for power trans- mission facilities in an amount not in excess of $4,935,500: Provided, tAvalability of oon- further, That no part of any construction appropriations for the tons. Bonneville Power Administration contained in this Act shall be available for construction work by force account, or on a hired labor basis, except for management and operation, maintenance and repairs, engineering and supervision, routine minor construction work, or in case of emergencies, local in character, so declared by the Bonneville Informational work. Power Administrator: Provided further, That not exceeding $21,500 of funds available for expenditure under this appropriation shall be used for salaries and expenses in connection with informational work: InemtBSSt frS 8 om Provided further, That interest heretofore collected by Bonneville Power Administration from sales of electric energy generated at Grand Coulee Dam on the unamortized balance of investment allocated to power in Grand Coulee Dam shall be covered into the reclamation fund forthwith: Providedfurther, That said interest shall not be allocated during the fiscal year 1948. SOUTHWESTERN POWER ADMINISTRATION Operation and maintenance: For operation and maintenance of the southwestern power transmission system, marketing of electric power and energy, and administrative expenses connected therewith; including hire of passenger motor vehicles, and printing and binding; $125,000: Provided,That not exceeding $12,000 of appropriations to the Southwestern Power Administration contained in this Act shall be available for personal services in the District of Columbia. 462 [61 STAT.