Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 61 Part 1.djvu/50

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PUBLIC LAWS-CHS. 24, 25-M -L R . 29, 1947 excess of $5,000,000, until the effective date of permanent legislation enacted to accomplish the policy set forth in section 1 (b) hereof: Exemptions. Provided,That there shall be exempt from such disposal limitations the neoprene plant, styrene plants, the petroleum butadiene plant located at Toledo, Ohio, not to exceed two alcohol butadiene plants, and butadiene-styrene type copolymer plants to the extent that the aggregate actual capacity of such copolymer plants remaining in Government ownership shall not be less than six hundred thousand Exercifs by RsF long tons per year. It is hereby directed that the aforesaid powers, functions, duties, and authority of the United States to so manufac- ture and sell synthetic rubber shall be exercised and performed by Reconstruction Finance Corporation while that Corporation has suc- cession and thereafter by such officer, agency, or instrumentality of the United States as the President may designate: Provided further, vesearch by other That nothing herein shall be construed as precluding any other agency of Government from engaging in research authorized by law. Approved March 29, 1947. March 29, 1947 [H. J. Res. 159] [Public Law 25] Deficiency appro- priations, 1947. Post, p. 118. 60 Stat. 35, 203, 216, 480,716,717,749,752. 39U.S. .. i 856a, 862a,862b ,867a,877, 878; 6U. S.C.i 645a, 645b, 902et seq.:28U.8.C. §§5, 213 , 241, 296, 301, 324. Post, pp. 40, 727. Restriction. ICHAPTER 25] JOINT RESOLUTION Making appropriations to supply deficiencies in certain appropriations for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1947, and for other purposes. Resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assemnbled, That the following sums are appropriated, out of any money in the Treasury not otherwise appro- priated, to supply deficiencies in certain appropriations for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1947, and for other purposes, namely: INCREASED PAY COSTS For additional amounts for appropriations for the fiscal year 1947, to meet increased pay costs authorized by the Acts of March 6, 1946 (Public Law 317); May 21, 1946 (Public Law 386); May 24, 1946 (Public Law 390); July 5, 1946 (Public Law 491); July 31, 1946 (Public Laws 567, 568, and 577); and August 1, 1946 (Public Law 582); and other legislation enacted during or applicable to said fiscal year authorizing increases in pay of Government officers and employees, as follows: LEGISLATIVE BRANCH Senate: "Salaries, officers and employees, Senate", $1,013,725; "Salaries and expenses, Joint Committee on Printing, to be dis- bursed by the Secretary of the Senate", $5,235; "Compiling and preparing a revised edition of the Biographical Directory of the American Congress", $14,000- "Salaries and expenses, legislative counsel", $15,000; "Salaries and expenses, enate policy committees", $11,000; Contingent exenses. Senate, reporting debates and proceed- ings of the Senate', $19,075; 'Contingent expenses, Senate, services in cleaning, repairing, and varnishing furniture" $760; "Contingent expenses, Senate, expenses of inquiries and inves- tigations ordered by the Senate, including compensation to stenographers of committees, at such rate as may be fixed by the Committee on Rules and Administration of the Senate, but not exceeding 25 cents per hundred words", $118,350: Provided That no part of this appropriation shall be expended for per diem and subsistence expenses except in accordance with the provisions of 26 [61 STAT. ( (