Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 61 Part 1.djvu/51

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61 STAT.] 80TH CONG., 1ST SESS.-CH. 25-MAR . 29, 1947 the Subsistence Expense Act of 1926, approved June 3, 1926, as amended; "Contingent expenses, Senate, folding speeches and pamphlets at a rate not exceeding $1 per thousand", $5,015; "Contingent expenses, Senate, maintaining, exchanging, and equipping motor vehicles for carrying the mails and for official use of the offices of the Secretary and Sergeant at Arms", $790; "Contingent expenses, Senate, miscellaneous items, exclusive of labor", $19,640; "Contingent expenses, Senate, purchase, exchange, driving, maintenance, and operation of two automobiles, one for the majority leader of the Senate and one for the minority leader of the Senate", $760; "Contingent expenses, Senate, purchase, exchange, driving, maintenance, and operation of an automobile for the Vice President", $770; House of Representatives: "Compensation of officers, clerks, messengers, and others", $675,000; "Clerk hire, Members and Delegates", $1,675,000; Contingent expenses of the House; "Furniture", $17,500; "Miscellaneous items", $6,000; "Joint Committee on Internal Revenue Taxation", $37,500; "Folding documents", $10,000; 'Preparing and editing a new edition of the Code of Laws", $12,000; "Clerk's office, special assistance", $1,000; "Speaker's automobile", $1,200; "Capitol Police Board", $300; Office of Legislative Counsel: "Salaries and expenses", $10,000; Architect of the Capitol: Office of the Architect of the Capitol: "Salaries", $9,176; Capitol Buildings and Grounds: "Capitol Buildings", $56,173; "Capitol Grounds", $17,882; "Legislative garage", $3;297; "Senate Office Building', $52,898; "House Office Buildings", $72,456; "Capitol power plant", $50,478; Library Buildings and Grounds: "Salaries", $23,583; "Salaries, Sunday opening", $1,850; Botanic Garden: "Salaries", $20,298; THE JUDICIARY United States Supreme Court: "Salaries", $97,000; "Structural and mechanical care of the building and grounds", $18.631; Court of Customs and Patent Appeals: "Salaries and expenses", $28,315; United States Customs Court: "Salaries and expenses", $41,250; Miscellaneous items of expense: "Salaries of judges", $1,164,000; "Salaries of clerks of courts", $190,000; "Probation system, United States courts", $78,000; "Salaries of criers", $11,800; "Fees of commissioners", $95,000; 27 44 Stat. 688. 5U. S .C. §§ 821-823, 827-833. Potd, p. 114.