Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 61 Part 1.djvu/540

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PUBLIC LAWS-CHS. 346, 347-JULY 29, 30 , 1947 used for the custody, maintenance, or disposal of any surplus property within the continental limits of the United States, its Territories or possessions, except such property as may be owned by and held for disposal by the Reconstruction Finance Corporation or its subsidi- bWavenr of reim aries; but, notwithstanding any other provision of law, the Recon- WAA. struction Finance Corporation may waive reimbursement from War Assets Administration for the administrative property transferred prior to July 1, 1946, and for expenses incurred prior thereto in the custody, maintenance, or disposal of any surplus property: Provided Purchases, etc. further, That no part of the funds of the Reconstruction Finance Corporation or of any subsidiary thereof shall be used to make any purchase or for personal services or to enter into any contract for the use or benefit of any other agency of the Government unless such agency shall have authority in law and appropriations available to make reimbursement for such purchase, personal services, or contract: Loanstostates, etc. Provided further, That none of the funds of the Reconstruction Finance Corporation and its subsidiaries shall be used for the making of any loan to any State, any subdivision thereof, any municipality therein, or any public authority, for construction purposes, unless in pursuance of a specific authorization if such loan would increase the aggregate amount of such loans outstanding above $125,000,000 (Act 60 stat. 589. of July 20, 1946, Public Law 519). TITLE III GEminEa PROVISIONS SEC. 301. The authorities, restrictions, and prohibitions specified under the head "General provisions" in the Government Corporations r,p.0a. Appropriations Act, 1948, shall be applicable to this Act. 8hort title. SEC. 302. This Act may be cited as "The Supplemental Government Corporations Appropriation Act, 1948". Approved July 29, 1947. [CHAPTER 347] July 30, 1947 IS. 6161 [Public Law 257] Francis Marion National Forest. Game refuges. Execution of provi- aions. Violation of rules, etc. AN ACT To authorize the creation of a game refuge in the Francis Marion National Forest in the State of South Carolina. Be it enacted by the Senate and Iouse of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That for the purpose of providing breeding places for game animals and birds and for the protection and administration of game animals and birds, and fish, the President of the United States is hereby authorized, upon the recom- mendation of the Secretary of Agriculture, to establish by public proc- lamation certain specified federally owned areas within the Francis Marion National Forest as game sanctuaries and refuges. SEC. 2 . The Secretary of Agriculture shall execute the provisions of this Act, and he is hereby authorized to prescribe all general rules and regulations for the administration of such game sanctuaries and refuges, and violation of such rules and regulations shall be punished by fine of not more than $500 or imprisonment for not more than six months or both. Approved July 30, 1947. [61 STAT.