Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 61 Part 1.djvu/622

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PUBLIC LAWS-OH. 359-JULY 30, 1947 accrued leave of employees separated from the Government service due to said liquidation. Veterans' educational facilities: The limitation on the amount for administrative expenses under this head in the Third Deficiency 0stat. 61s Appropriation Act, 1946, as supplemented by the Second Deficiency Ante, p. 1S. Appropriation Act, 1947, is hereby increased from $3,100,000 to $3,750,000, of which amount $395,000 shall be used exclusively for pay- ment for accumulated and accrued leave. GENERAL ACCOUNTING OFFICE Salaries: For personal services in the District of Columbia and else- where, $34,500,000. Miscellaneous expenses: For necessary expenses, including purchase of one passenger motor vehicle, $1,717,000, of which not to exceed $62,000 shall be available for deposit in the Treasury for cost of 39 s.tS.3§ 321e- penalty mail as required by the Act of June 28, 1944. 321h. Printing and binding: For printing and binding, including monthly Ante,p.4 . and annual editions of selected decisions of the Comptroller General of the United States, $300,000. Appropriations for the General Accounting Office shall be available U.S .tC. 150. for a health service program as authorized by Act of August 8, 1946 (Public Law 658) and for payment of claims pursuant to part 2 of vsus. c. 921, the Federal Tort Claims Act of August 2, 1946 (Public Law 601). 922 INTERSTATE COMMERCE COMMISSION General expenses: For expenses necessary in performing the func- tions vested by law in the Commission (49 U. S . C . 1 -24, 301-327, 901-923, 1001-1022), except those otherwise specifically provided for in this Act, and for general administration, including one chief coun- sel, one director of finance, one director of motor transport, and one director of traffic, at $10,000 each per annum; not to exceed $50,000 for the employment of special counsel; contract stenographic report- ing services; personal services in the District of Columbia; newspapers (not to exceed $200) health service program as authorized by Act 5U. s.tI 10. of August 8, 1946 (Public Law 658); and purchase of thirty-five povemet tans- passenger automobiles; $9,000,000: Provided,That Joint Board mem- bers and cooperating State commissioners may use Government trans- portation requests when traveling in connection with their duties as such: Provided further, That not to exceed $5,000 may be used for at 919 the purchase of evidence in connection with investigations of apparent 49 u. C. j30. violations of part II of the Interstate Commerce Act. Railroad safety: For expenses necessary in performing functions authorized by law (45 U. S . C . 1-15, 17-21, 35-46, 61-64; 49 U. S . C . 26) to insure a maximum of safety in the operation of railroads, including authority to investigate, test experimentally, and report on the use and need of any appliances or systems intended to promote the safety of railway operation, including those pertaining to block- signal and train-control systems, as authorized by the joint resolution 32stat. ;asS t. approved June 30, 1906, and the Sundry Civil Act of May 27, 1908 (45 U. S . C . 35-37), and to require carriers by railroad subject to the 41tt Act to install automatic train-stop or train-control devices as pre- scribed by the Commission (49 U. S . C . 26), including the employment of inspectors, engineers, and personal services in the District of Columbia, $908,000. Locomotive inspection: For expenses necessary in the enforcement of the Act of February 17,1911, entitled "An Act to promote the safety [61 STAT.