Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 61 Part 1.djvu/688

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PUBLIC LAWS-CH. 391-JULY 30, 1947 Return of copies to country of export. Ante, p. 656 . § 108. FORFEITURE AND DESTRUCTION OF ARTICLES PROHIBITED IMPOR- TATION. -Any and all articles prohibited importation by this title which are brought into the United States from any foreign country (except in the mails) shall be seized and forfeited by like proceedings as those provided by law for the seizure and condemnation of property imported into the United States in violation of the customs revenue laws. Such articles when forfeited shall be destroyed in such manner as the Secretary of the Treasury or the court, as the case may be, shall direct: Provided, however, That all copies of authorized editions of copyright books imported in the mails or otherwise in violation of the provisions of this title may be exported and returned to the country of export whenever it is shown to the satisfaction of the Secretary of the Treasury, in a written application, that such importation does not involve willful negligence or fraud. § 109. IMPORTATION OF PROHIBITED ARTICLES; REGULATIONS; PROOF OF DEPOSIT OF COPIEs BY COMPLAINANTS.- The Secretary of the Treas- ury and the Postmaster General are hereby empowered and required to make and enforce individually or jointly such rules and regulations as shall prevent the importation into the United States of articles prohibited importation by this title, and may require, as conditions precedent to exclusion of any work in which copyright i§ claimed, the copyright proprietor or any person claiming actual or potential injury by reason of actual or contemplated importations of copies of such work to file with the Post Office Department or the Treasury Department a certificate of the Register of Copyrights that the pro- visions of section 13 of this title have been fully complied with, and to give notice of such compliance to postmasters or to customs officers at the ports of entry in the United States in such form and accompanied by such exhibits as may be deemed necessary for the practical and efficient administration and enforcement of the provisions of sections 106 and 107 of this title. § 110. JURISDICTION OF ACTIONS UNDER LAws.-All actions, suits, or proceedings arising under the copyright laws of the United States shall be originally cognizable by the district courts of the United States, the district court of any Territory the District Court of the United States for the District of Columbia, the district courts of Alaska, Hawaii, and Puerto Rico. § 111. DISTRICT IN WHICH ACTIONS MAY BE BROUGHT. -C ivil actions, suits, or proceedings arising under this title may be instituted in the district of which the defendant or his agent is an inhabitant, or in which he may be found. § 112. INJUNCTIONS; SERVICE AND ENFORCEMENT.-Any such court or judge thereof shall have power, upon complaint filed by any party aggrieved, to grant injunctions to prevent and restrain the violation of any right secured by this title, according to the course and prin- ciples of courts of equity, on such terms as said court or judge may deem reasonable. Any injunction that may be granted restraining and enjoining the doing of anything forbidden by this title may be served on the parties against whom such injunction may be granted anywhere in the United States, and shall be operative throughout the United States and be enforceable by proceedings in contempt or other- wise by any other court or judge possessing jurisdiction of the defendants. § 113. TRANSMISSION OF CERTIFIED COPIES OF PAPERS FOR ENFORCE- MENT OF INJUNCTION BY OTHER COURT. -The clerk of the court, or judge granting the injunction, shall, when required so to do by the court hearing the application to enforce said injunction, transmit without delay to said court a certified copy of all the papers in said cause that are on file in his office. 664 [61 STAT.