Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 61 Part 1.djvu/689

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61 STAT.] 80TH CONG. , 1ST SESS.-CH. 391-JULY 30, 1947 665 § 114. REVIEW o OF DERS, JUDGMENTS, OR DECREES. - The orders, judgments, or decrees of any court mentioned in section 110 of this title arising under the copyright laws of the United States may be reviewed on appeal in the manner and to the extent now provided by law for the review of cases determined in said courts, respectively. § 115. LIMITATIONS OF CRIMINAL PROCEEDINGS.- No criminal pro- ceeding shall be maintained under the provisions of this title unless the same is commenced within three years after the cause of action arose. a § 116. COSTS; ATTORNEY'S FEES.-In all actions, suits, or proceedings under this title, except when brought by or against the United States or any officer thereof, full costs shall be allowed, and the court may award to the prevailing party a reasonable attorney's fee as part of the costs. CHAPTr 3-COPYRIGHT OFFICE § 201. Copyright office; preservation of records. § 202. Register, assistant register, and subordinates. § 203. Same; deposit of moneys received; reports. § 204. Same; bond. § 205. Same; annual report. § 206. Seal of copyright office. § 207. Rules for registration of claims. § 208. Record books in copyright office. § 209. Certificates of registration; effect as evidence; receipt for copies deposited. § 210. Catalogs of copyright entries; effect as evidence. § 211. Same; distribution and sale; disposal of proceeds. § 212. Records and works deposited in copyright office open to public inspection; taking copies of entries. § 213. Disposition of articles deposited in office. § 214. Destruction of articles deposited in office remaining undisposed of; removal of by author or proprietor; manuscripts of unpublished works. §215. Fees. § 201. COPYRIGHT OFFICE; PRESERVATION OF RECORDS.- All records and other things relating to copyrights required by law to be preserved shall be kept and preserved in the copyright office, Library of Congress, District of Columbia, and shall be under the control of the register of copyrights, who shall, under the direction and supervision of the Librarian of Congress, perform all the duties relating to the registration of copyrights. 202. REGISTER. ASSISTANT REGISTER., AND SuBOilDINATErS.- -There shall be appointed by the Librarian of Congress a Register of Copy- rights, and one Assistant Register of Copyrights, who shall have authority during the absence of the Register of Copyrights to attach the copyright office seal to all papers issued from the said office and to sign such certificates and other papers as may be necessary. There shall also be appointed by the Librarian such subordinate assistants to the register as may from time to time be authorized by law. § 203. SME; DEPosrrIT OF MONEYs RECEIVED; REPoRTS.- The Register of Copyrights shall make daily deposits in some bank in the District of Columbia, designated for this purpose by the Secretary of the Treasury as a national depository, of all moneys received to be applied as copy- right fees, and shall make weekly deposits with the Secretary of the Treasury, in such manner as the latter shall direct, of all copyright fees actually applied under the provisions of this title, and annual deposits of sums received which it has not been possible to apply as copyright fees or to return to the remitters, and shall also make monthly reports to the Secretary of the Treasury and to the Librarian of Con- gress of the applied copyright fees for each calendar month, together with a statement of all remittances received, trust funds on hand, moneys refunded, and unapplied balances.