Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 61 Part 1.djvu/719

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61 STAT.] 80TH CONG. , 1ST SESS.-CHS. 413, 414-JULY 31, 1947 and any equipment pertaining thereto or used in the Farm Labor Supply Program (hereafter referred to as "facilities") for such prices and under such terms and conditions as the Secretary may determine reasonable, after taking into consideration the responsi- bilities to be assumed by the purchaser, to any public or semipublic agency or any nonprofit association of farmers in the community who will agree to operate and maintain such facilities for the prin- cipal purpose of housing persons engaged in agricultural work and to relieve the Government of all responsibility in connection there- with. In disposing of such facilities, the Secretary shall give due consideration to the ability of the applicants to maintain and operate such facilities for housing agricultural workers. SEC. 2 . In order that such public or semipublic agencies or non- profit associations of farmers may have adequate time to make neces- sary arrangement for authorizations and funds to acquire such facilities, the authority to dispose of such facilities to such agencies is to continue until June 30, 1949. After January 30, 1948, and pending sale thereof, no facility shall be continued in operation except under contractual arrangements with responsible public, or semipublic agencies or nonprofit associations of farmers who will agree to operate such facilities for the principal purpose of housing persons engaged in agricultural work and to relieve the Federal Government of all financial responsibility in connection with the operation of such facilities. Any facility with respect to which no such contractual arrangement has been made by January 30, 1948, shall be liquidated as expeditiously as possible under the provisions of this Act or section 43 (d) of the Farmers' Home Administration Act of 1946, and in any event not later than June 30, 1949. Any facility which is continued in operation after January 30, 1948, pur- suant to a contractual arrangement with a public or semipublic agency or nonprofit association of farmers and which remains unsold on June 30, 1949, shall be disposed of as expeditiously as possible under the provisions of section 43 (d) of the Farmers' Home Admin- istration Act of 1946. SEC. 3 . The funds made available under the item "Farm Labor Supply Program" in the Second Deficiency Appropriation Act, 1947 (Public Law Numbered 76, Eightieth Congress), are also hereby made available until expenlded for currying out the purposes of this Act and in addition thereto, there is authorized to be appll oriated such additional sums as may be necessary. Approved July 31, 1947. [CHAPTER 4141 AN ACT Making supplemental appropriations for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1948, and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assenmbled, That the following sums are appropriated, out of any money in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated, for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1948, and for other purposes, namely: LEGISLATIVE BRANCH SENATE Office of the Sergeant at Arms and Doorkeeper: For the compensa- tion of fifteen additional privates. Capitol Police Force, at the Continuation of dis- posal authority until June 30,1949. Contractual ar- rangements for opera- tion. Liquidation of facil- ity. 60 Stat. 1068 . 7U.S.C.1017(d). Facility continued in operation after Jan. 30,1948. Ante, p . 10t. Appropriation autl thorirdl. July 31, 1947 [H. R . 43471 [Public Law 299] Second Supplemen- tal Appropriation Act, 1948. Ante. pp 118. 187, 245, 361. 60,6609: post, pp. 703, 941. Ante, pp. 362 ,610.