Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 61 Part 1.djvu/72

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48 PUBLIC LAWS-CH. 38-APR . 16 , 1947 [61 STAT. time of such transfer had to their credit leave accrued but not taken, ARuning matesfr- shall not, by reason of such transfer, lose such accrued leave. Prior manentranks. to the termination of their temporary appointments, the Secretary of the Navy shall appoint a board of not less than three naval officers, who, in accordance with such regulations as he may prescribe, shall assign running mates to the Nurse Corps officers transferred and appointed for temporary service pursuant to this section, and such officers shall be assigned permanent ranks corresponding to the R.striction. permanent ranks held by their running mates: Provided, That no officer of the Nurse Corps shall be assigned a permanent rank above that of commander. Appointments sub- ject to revocation. SEC. 204. Except as provided in sections 203 and 211 of this title, appointments to the grade of nurse in the Regular Navy shall be with the rank of ensign, and each such appointment shall be subject to revocation by the Secretary of the Navy until such time as the appointee is advanced to the rank of lieutenant (junior grade). Offi- cers whose appointments are so revoked shall be discharged from the Qualifications. service without advanced pay. Such appointees shall be female citi- zens of the United States who shall have reached the age of twenty-one years on July 1 of the calendar year in which appointed, and who shall not have reached the age of twenty-nine years on July 1 of the calendar year in which appointed. No person shall be appointed pursuant to this section until she shall have established her mental, moral, educational, professional, and physical qualifications to the satisfaction of the Secretary of the Navy. Authorityof'offers. SEC. 205. Officers of the Navy Nurse Corps shall have authority in medical and sanitary matters and all other work within the line of their professional duties in and about naval hospitals and other activ- ities of the Medical Department of the Navy next after officers of the Medical Corps and the Dental Corps of the Navy. They shall exercise such military authority as may be prescribed from time to Restriction. time by the Secretary of the Navy: Provided, That they shall not be eligible for the exercise of command. Laws relating to SEC. 206. (a) Subject to the limitations of section 201 of this title, advancement in rank. Post, p.883. all provisions of law now existing or hereafter enacted relating to the advancement in rank of officers of the Staff Corps of the Navy, except those provisions relating to the same subject matter provided for in the following subsections of this section, shall be construed to include officers of the Nurse Corps. desNnatlf ability of (b) Paragraph 2, section 16, of the Act of June 10, 1926 (44 Stat. 723); section 17 of the Act of June 10, 1926 (44 Stat. 724); and section 34U.s. . §§348o, 4 of the Act of August 5, 1935 (49 Stat. 530), shall not apply to officers Posts,p. 882 of the Nurse Corps established by this title. (c) Section 3 of the Act of June 10, 1926, is hereby amended by inserting the following proviso after the colon which appears after 34 U. . C. §348b. the word "mate" in line 17, paragraph 4, thereof, on page 718, volume fficer recom- 44, Statutes at Large: "Providedfrther, That an officer of the Nurse elntto rank o 'com- Corps recommended for advancement to the rank of commander in mander. the approved report of a selection board shall be eligible for advance- ment to such rank when a vacancy occurs therein and when so advanced, such officer shall be entitled to the pay and allowances of the rank of commander only from the date of the vacancy:". (d) Section 16 of the Act of June 10, 1926, is hereby amended by striking out the period as it appears after the word "him" in line 7, 34 U.S .. 3 480 . paragraph 1, thereof, on page 723, volume 44, Statutes at Large, 882 substituting a colon therefor, and adding the following proviso: "Pro- Convening of sele-a tioC d of elec ided , That a selection board to recommend officers of the Nurse Corps for advancement to the rank of commander shall be convened only if there exists a vacancy in such rank or if the Secretary of the Navy