Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 61 Part 1.djvu/76

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PUBLIC LAWS-CHS. 38 ,39, 41-APR. 16 , 25 , 1947 (e) That part of section 2 of the Act of June 16, 1942 (56 Stat. 37U.8. . 1102. 360), which authorizes an increase of 20 per centum in base pay of Navy nurses while on sea duty. (f) So much of section 13 of the Act of June 16, 1942 (56 Stat. 37 U.S. . §113. 366), as relates to the Navy Nurse Corps. 4 U;9. C. 262 (g) TheAct of July 3, 1942 (56 Stat. 646). 37U.S .C .§113note. (h) Section 7 of the Act of December 22, 1942 (56 Stat. 1074). 34U. S .C .262note. (i) The Act of February 26,1944 (58 Stat. 105). 37U.S .C.51133note. j) The Act of December3,1945 (59 Stat. 594). Repealedlaws relat- SE. 214. All provisions of existing law repealed by section 213 of this title, which relate to the retirement and the retired pay of mem- bers or officers of the Navy Nurse Corps, shall remain in effect with respect to such members or officers who have been retired prior to the effective date of section 213 of this title, and no retired member or officer of the Navy Nurse Corps shall suffer by reason of this title any reduction or loss of retirement benefits to which she was entitled upon the effective date of this Act. Effective date. SEC. 215. Except as provided in section 213 hereof, this title shall take effect upon the date of its enactment. Approved April 16, 1947. [CHAPTER 39] April 16,1947 AN ACT [S. 363] To amend section 3 of the Act of July 24, 1946 (Public Law 534, Seventy-ninth [Public Law 37] Congress). Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the Lareny ien iter- United States of America in Congress assembled, That section 3 of the state or foreign com- maerte. Act of July 24, 1946 (Public Law 534, Seventy-ninth Congress, be, 60 Stat. 657. ISU. . C.§411. and it is hereby, amended to read as follows: "To establish the interstate or foreign commerce character of any shipment in any prosecution under this Act the waybill, or other ship- ping document, of such shipment shall be prima facie evidence of the place from which and to which such shipment was made." Approved April 16, 1947. April 2.5 , 1947 [H11.It. 731 [Public Law 38] North Dakota. Theodore RGosevelt National Memorial Park. [CHAPTER 41] AN ACT To establish the Theodore Roosevelt National Memorial Park; to erect a monu- ment in memory of Theodore Roosevelt in the village of Medora, North Dakota; and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled That all those certain tracts, pieces, or parcels of land, title to which is vested in the United States of America, and being in the State of North Dakota, and within the boundaries particularly described, as follows, to wit: Beginning at the point where the north line of the right- of-way of United States Highway Numbered 10 intersects the east boundary of section 36, township 140 north, range 101 west, fifth principal meridian; thence southwesterly and northwesterly along the north line of said right-of-way through section 1, township 139 north, range 101 west, and sections 36, 35, 34, 27, 28, and 29, town- ship 140 north, range 101 west, to the west boundary of said section 29; north along section lines to the northwest corner of said sec- tion 29; west along section line to the southwest corner of section 19 township 140 north, range 101 west; north along township line to the southeast corner of the northeast quarter of the northeast quarter 52 [61 STAT. i