Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 61 Part 1.djvu/77

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61 STAT.] O8TH CONG., IST SESS.-CH. 1 - -APR. 25, 1947 (of section 24, township 140 north, range 102 west; west to the south- west corner of the northeast quarter of the northeast quarter of said section 24; north to the northwest corner of the northeast quarter of the northeast quarter of said section 24; westerly along section lines to the southwest corner of section 16, township 140 north, range 102 west; northerly along section lines to the northwest corner of section 4, township 140 north, range 102 west: thence west along township line to the southwest corner of the southeast quarter of section 34, township 141 north, range 102 west; northerly through the center of sections 34 and 27 to the northwest corner of the northeast quarter of section 27 of said township 141 north, range 102 west: easterly along section lines to the northeast corner of section 28. township 141 north, range 101 west; south along section lines to the southeast corner of said section 28; east along section line to the northeast corner of section 34, township 141 north, range 101 west; south to the northwest corner of the southwest quarter of section 35, township 141 north, range 101 west; easterly through center of sections 35 and 36 to the northeast corner of the southeast quarter of said section 36 of said township 141 north, range 101 west; south to the southeast corner of said section 36; thence east along township line to the northeast corner of lot 3, section 2, town- ship 140 north, range 101 west; southerly through the center of sections 2 and 11 to the southeast corner of the southwest quarter of said section 11, township 140 north, range 101 west; easterly along section lines to the northeast corner of section 13 of said town- ship 140 north, range 101 west; southerly along township line to the northwest corner of section 19, township 140 north, range 100 west; easterly along north line of said section 19 to the northeast corner of the northwest quarter: southerly through center of sec- tions 19, 30, and 31 to the northwest corner of the southeast quarter of section 31; easterly along the center of said section 31 to the northeast corner of the southeast quarter; southerly along the east line of said section 31 to the southeast corner; westerly along the township line to the east line of section 36, township 140 north, range 101 west; northerly along the township line between town- ships 140 north, range 100 west and 140 north, range 101 west to the north right-of-way line of United States Highway Numbered 10, the place of beginning, containing thirty-five thousand two hundred and seventy acres, more or less, are hereby dedicated and set apart as a public park for the benefit and enjoyment of the people and shall be known as the Theodore Roosevelt National Memorial Park. The Secretary of the Interior is authorized, in his discretion, to construct and maintain a road or highway through the park con- necting with a State or Federal highway. SEC. 2. The Secretary of the Interior is hereby authorized to cause condemnation proceedings to be instituted in the name of the United States under the provisions of the Act of August 1, 1888, entitled "An Act to authorize the condemnation of lands for sites for public buildings, and other purposes" (25 Stat. 357), to acquire title to the lands, interests therein, or rights pertaining thereto that are privately owned within the boundaries of the said national park, and such property, when acquired, shall become a part thereof: Provided, That when the owner of such lands, interests therein, or rights pertaining thereto shall fix a price for the same, which, in the opinion of the Secretary of the Interior, shall be reasonable, the Secretary may purchase the same without further delay: Pro- vided further, That the Secretary of the Interior is authorized to accept, on behalf of the United States, donations of land, interests therein, or rights pertaining thereto required for the Theodore Construction, etc. , of highway. Acquisition of pri- vate lands, etc. 40 U. S. C. §§257, 258. Purchase. Donation. 53