Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 61 Part 1.djvu/838

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Applicability of (p) The provisions of this title relating to officers of the Navy desated provo designated for engineering duty shall be applicable in like manner and with like effect to officers of the Marine Corps designated for supply duty, except as may be necessary to adapt the said provisions to the Marine Corps or as herein otherwise provided. desigatedr supraly (q) Brigadier generals designated for supply duty, if not retired duty. pursuant to other provisions of law, shall, except as otherwise provided in this section, be placed on the retired list on June 30 of the fiscal year in which they complete five years' service in that grade and thirty-five years' total commissioned service with retired pay at the rate of 21/ per centum of their active-duty pay in the grade in which serving at the time of retirement multiplied by the number of years of service for which they would be entitled to credit in the computation of pay on the active list had they been serving in the grade of colonel at the time of their retirement, but retired pay so computed shall not exceed a total of 75 per centum of said active-duty pay. Continuation on ac- (r) Brigadier generals of the Marine Corps designated for supply duty who in the then current fiscal year complete or will complete five years' service in their grade and have completed or will complete in such fiscal year thirty-five years of total commissioned service; those who prior to the then current fiscal year have completed five years' service in their grade and in such fiscal year complete or will complete thirty-five years of total commissioned service; and those who were recommended for continuation on the active list in the approved report of the immediately preceding appropriate selection board, shall be eligible for consideration by a selection board for continuation on the active list: Provided, That not to exceed two such brigadier generals recommended for continuation on the active list in of a selection board as approved by the President may be so continued until the report of the next succeeding selection board is approved: And provided further, That a brigadier general so continued on the active list shall, if not again recommended for continuation on the active list in the approved report of the next succeeding selection board, there- after be carried in excess of the number authorized to be so continued and shall be placed on the retired list on June 30 of the then current fiscal year. (s) In addition to the information otherwise required by this title the Secretary of the Navy shall furnish the appropriate selection board with the number of brigadier generals designated for supply duty which the board may recommend for continuation on the active list. The number so furnished shall be such number as the Secretary of the Navy shall determine to be necessary to meet the requirements of the Marine Corps not to exceed two. tion of cpolonel- (t) Should it be found, as of the time of the convening of a board for the consideration of colonels designated for supply duty for pro- motion to the grade of brigadier general, that the number of vacancies existing plus the estimated number of vacancies which will occur during the ensuing twelve-month period in the grade of brigadier general is less than will permit the selection for promotion in such period of a number of such colonels equal to 15 per centum of the authorized number of brigadier generals designated for supply duty, the Secretary of the Navy shall convene a board of not less than five officers serving in ranks above that of brigadier general to consider and recommend for retirement a sufficient number of brigadier gen- erals designated for supply duty to permit the selection for promotion in such period of the said number of such colonels. tinued on aotive lSat (u) The number to be furnished the board in respect to colonels designated for supply duty to be continued on the active list shall be 814 PUBLIC LAWS--CH. 512-AUG. 7, 1947 [61 STAT.