Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 61 Part 1.djvu/840

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PUBLIC LAWS-CH. 512-AUG. 7 , 1947 DEFINITIONS "officers." SEc. 202. (a) As used in this title, the word "officers" shall be held to mean commissioned officers holding permanent appointments as such on the active list in the Staff Corps of the Regular Navy. Unless otherwise qualified it shall be held to include officers of the Medical, Supply, Chaplain, Civil Engineer, Dental, Medical Service, and Nurse Corps of the Navy, including officers designated for limited duty in such corps, and to exclude commissioned warrant officers. Militayhis titles. s , military titles shall be held to describe an officer or officers, as the case may be, holding permanent appoint- ment on the active list in a Staff Corps of the Regular Navy in the grade concerned. "Not restricted in (C) As used in this title, the words "not restricted in the per- duty.for" formance of duty" shall be held to describe officers not designated for limited duty. Computationof (d) (1) For the purposes of this title in respect to eligibility for continuation on the active list and in respect to separation from the active list, the total commissioned service of an officer originally appointed in the grade or rank of lieutenant (junior grade) or ensign in the Regular Navy, who has served continuously on the active list shall be computed from June 30 of the fiscal year in which he accepted such appointment, except for officers appointed pursuant to the Act 60 Stat. 92. of April 18, 1946 (Public Law 347, Seventy-ninth Congress). Each Ante, p' ; p other officer shall be deemed to have for these purposes as much total p. commissioned service as any officer described above in this subsection who shall not have lost numbers or precedence and who is, or shall have been, junior to such other officer in his corps for the purpose of eligibility for promotion or selection for promotion since the date of the latter's first appointment to permanent commissioned rank in the Regular Navy above the grade of commissioned warrant officer, following which he shall have served continuously on the active list of the Regular Navy. iervice ieto ebent () (2) Notwithstanding the foregoing provisions of this subsection, ofNurse Corps. the number of years' service to be credited to each lieutenant (junior grade) of the Nurse Corps shall, for the purpose of this title in regard to separation from the active list, be based on her total active service under an appointment as a commissioned officer in the Nurse Corps of the Navy or the reserve component thereof and all active service in the Nurse Corps and the Nurse Corps Reserve abolished by the Act of 882 ss P 41; Poa P. April 16, 1947 (Public Law 36, Eightieth Congress), shall, for this purpose, be regarded as commissioned service in the Naw. Service codrp^ (3) Notwithstanding the provisions of paragraph (1, of this sub- section an officer commissioned in the Medical Service Corps pursuant i4u.s.8 C.2 q. to theAct of April 18,1946 (Public Law 347, Seventy-ninth Congress) Appe, 78; post, shall, for the purpose of this title in respect to separation from the active list, be deemed to have total commissioned service equivalent to that of his line officer running mate. pctve duty pay. (e) The words "active-duty pay" as used in sections 212 and 213 of this title shall be construed to mean the base and longevity pay the retired officer concerned would receive if serving on active duty in his grade. DISTRIBUTION O OF FICES SEc. 203. (a) Officers of the Staff Corps of the Navy shall be dis- tributed in the various grades in each Staff Corps in accordance with ee admlras. the provisions of this title: Provided,That the number of rear admirals in the Medical Corps, Supply Corps, Chaplain Corps, Civil Engineer Corps, and Dental Corps, respectively, exclusive of any such rear admiral serving as a chief of bureau, shall not exceed in each corps s o d c 816 [61 STaT.