Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 61 Part 1.djvu/852

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PUBLIC LAWS-CH. 512-AUG. 7,1947 Rear admiral in Dental Corps. Selection for promo- tion of captains in Medical and Supply Corps. Rear admiral in Civil Engineer Corps. Submission of re- port to President. Retred pay. of the time of the convening of a board for the consideration of cap- tains of the Chaplain Corps for promotion to the grade of rear admiral that no such captain was selected during the two preceding fiscal years because of lack of existing and estimated vacancies, and that no vacancy exists and none is estimated to occur during the ensu- ing twelve-month period, the Secretary of the Navy shall convene a board composed of three officers of the line of the grade of rear admiral or above, to consider rear admirals of the Chaplain Corps and to recommend one such officer for retirement. (b) The Secretary of the Navy shall make a special review of vacancies in the grade of rear admiral in the Dental Corps in the second fiscal year following the fiscal year in which this Act becomes effective, and in the second fiscal year of each two-year period there- after, and, should it be found, in any such second year, as of the time of the convening of a board for the consideration of captains of the Dental Corps for promotion to the grade of rear admiral, that no such captain was selected during the preceding fiscal year because of lack of existing and estimated vacancies and that no vacancy exists and none is estimated to occur during the ensuing twelve-month period, the Secretary of the Navy shall convene a board composed of one officer of the Dental Corps and two officers of the line, of the grade of rear admiral or above, to consider rear admirals of the Dental Corps and to recommend one such officer for retirement. (c) Should it be found, as of the time of the convening of a board for the consideration of captains in the Medical Corps or in the Supply Corps for promotion to the grade of rear admiral, that the number of vacancies existing plus the estimated number of vacancies which will occur during the ensuing twelve-month period in the grade of rear admiral is less than will permit the selection for promotion of a number of captains in the corps concerned equal to 15 per centum of the authorized number of rear admirals, the Secretary of the Navy shall convene a board of not less than five officers, serving in the rank of rear admiral or above, to consider and recommend for retirement a sufficient number of such rear admirals to permit the selection for promotion of the said number of captains. (d) The Secretary of the Navy shall make a special review of vacancies in the grade of rear admiral in the Civil Engineer Corps in the second fiscal year following the fiscal year in which this Act becomes effective and in the second fiscal year of each two-year period thereafter, and, should it be found, in any such second year, as of the time of the convening of a board for the consideration of captains of the Civil Engineer Corps for promotion to the grade of rear admiral, that no such captain was selected during the preceding fiscal year because of lack of existing and estimated vacancies, and that no vacancy exists and none is estimated to occur during the ensuing twelve-month period, the Secretary of the Navy shall convene a board composed of one officer of the Civil Engineer Corps and two officers of the line, of the rank of rear admiral or above, to consider rear admirals of the Civil Engineer Corps and to recommend one such officer for retirement. (e) The report of a board convened pursuant to the provisions of this section shall be submitted to the President for approval or disap- proval; if the President shall disapprove the recommendations of the board in whole or in part, the board shall then recommend additional rear admirals for retirement equal in number to those disapproved by the President. (f) Officers so recommended for retirement as approved by the Presi- dent shall, if not otherwise retired pursuant to law, be placed upon the retired list on June 30 of the then current fiscal year with retired 828 [61 STAT.