Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 61 Part 1.djvu/853

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61 STAT.] 80TH CONG. , 1ST SESS.-CH. 512-AUG. 7 , 1947 pay at the rate of 22 per centum of their active-duty pay in the grade in which serving at the time of retirement multiplied by the number of years of service for which they would be entitled to credit in the computation of pay on the active list had they been serving in the grade of captain at the time of their retirement, but retired pay so computed shall not exceed a total of 75 per centum of said active-duty pay. (g) The boards provided for in this section except as otherwise specified in this section shall be composed of officers on the active list of the Navy of the corps concerned. In case there be not a sufficient number of officers of the corps concerned legally or physically capaci- tated to serve on a selection board of such corps, officers of the line on the active list of equivalent rank may be detailed to duty on such board to constitute the required membership. (h) Nothing in this section shall be held to reduce the retired rank or pay to which an officer would be entitled under other provision of law. EFFECTIVE DATE OF T'TE II SEC. 214. Sections 201, 202, and 203 of this title shall be effective upon the date of approval of this Act. The remaining provisions of this title shall be effective upon the termination of title III of this Act. TITLE III-TERMINABLE PROVISIONS RELATING TO ALL OFFICERS OF THE NAVY ON ACTIVE DUTY TEMPORARY STATUS OF TITLE mI SEC. 301. The authority granted by this title and all provisions hereof shall be terminated when the President shall determine that the num- ber of officers holding permanent appointments on the active list of the line of the Regular Navy is equal to 95 per centum of the number of such officers authorized by law or on January 1, 1957, whichever shall occur the earlier. DEFINITIONS SEC. 302. (a) As used in this title, the words "temporarily appointed" shall be interpreted to mean also "temporarily promoted"; the words "temporary appointment in a grade to which appointed for a period of limited duration" shall be interpreted to mean a tem- porary appointment which by its terms is of limited duration; the word "officers" shall, unless otherwise qualified, be interpreted to mean all officers of the grade of ensign and above on active duty in the Navy, exclusive of officers on the retired list, exclusive of officers of the Naval Reserve assigned to active duty for training, and exclusive of officers of the Naval Reserve ordered to active duty in connection with organ- izing, administering, recruiting, instructing, training, or drilling the Naval Reserve, or ordered to temporary active duty for the purpose of prosecuting special work; the words "not restricted in the perform- ance of duty" shall be interpreted to mean officers not designated for engineering duty, aeronautical engineering duty, special duty, or limited duty, or officers of the Marine Corps not designated for supply duty or limited duty; the words "line officers" shall, unless otherwise qualified, be interpreted to include officers of the line designated for engineering duty, aeronautical engineering duty, special duty, and limited duty; and the words "staff officers" shall, unless otherwise qualified, be interpreted to mean all officers of all staff corps, including officers in each such corps designated for limited duty. (b) As used in this title, military titles shall be held to describe an officer or officers, as the case may be serving in the grade concerned 829 Composition of boards. Retired rank, etc. Ante, pp. 81, 816. " Temporarily ap- pointed. " "Offcers." " Not restricted In the performance of duty." "Line offiers." "Staff officers. " Military titles.