Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 61 Part 1.djvu/858

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PUBLIC LAWS-CH. 512-AUG. 7, 1947 Termination oftem- admiral: Provided, That in the event of the termination, subsequent porypponte to the approval of this Act and prior to the establishment of the lineal list, of the temporary appointment of an officer serving in the grade or rank of admiral or vice admiral, or in a grade to which appointed for a period of limited duration, such officer shall be placed on such list with the grade or rank and precedence he would have held had he not been so temporarily appointed: And provided further, That any officer who, on the date of establishment of such list, is serving under a temporary appointment in the grade or rank of admiral or vice admiral or in a grade to which appointed for a period of limited dura- tion, shall, upon termination of such temporary appointment, be placed on the lineal list in accordance with the grade and precedence he would have held had he not been so temporarily appointed. Determination of (b) As soon as practicable, but not later than thirty days after number to be perma- I nently appointed. the date of approval of this Act, the Secretary of the Navy shall deter- mine, as of the date of approval of this Act, the number of officers authorized to be permanently appointed in the various grades of Ante, p. 798. the line as provided in section 103 of title I of this Act. number to be tem- (c) As soon as practicable, but not later than thirty days after porarily appointed. the date of approval of this Act, the Secretary of the Navy shall determine, as of the date of approval of this Act, the number of officers authorized to be temporarily appointed in the various grades of the Aner, p.831. line as provided in section 303 of this title. vacancies by perma (d) Upon completion of the establishment of the lineal list as nent appointments. prescribed by subsection (a) of this section, and upon the determina- tion of the number of officers authorized to be permanently appointed in the various grades of the line, as prescribed by subsection (b) of this section, the President is authorized to fill vacancies in the various grades of the line of the Regular Navy by permanently appointing thereto and regularly commissioning therein officers holding perma- nent appointments in the line of the Regular Navy in the grade of ensign or above who are on the lineal list established under subsection (a) of this section, and such officers shall be so appointed in the order of their seniority on such lineal list: Provided, That any line officer holding a permanent appointment in the Regular Navy below the grade of rear admiral and above the grade of chief warrant officer on the date of establishment of the lineal list, and who at that time is serving in the grade or rank of admiral or vice admiral or in a grade to which appointed for a period of limited duration, may be perma- nently appointed and regularly commissioned in the grade and with precedence therein according to the lineal position to which he would be entitled were he not so serving or had not been so temporarily for engineerng oras appointed: Providedfurther,That an officer designated for engineer- cialduty. ing duty, aeronautical engineering duty, or special duty holding a permanent appointment in the Regular Navy may be permanently appointed to and regularly commissioned in the same grade to which the line officer next junior to him on the lineal list, who is not restricted in the performance of duty, and who is not serving under a temporary appointment in a grade to which appointed for a period of limited duration, is so appointed pursuant to this subsection: Provided further, That officers designated for engineering duty, aeronautical , engineering duty, or special duty who solely by reason of the limi- tation of subsection 103 (b) are not permanently appointed to and regularly commissioned in the grade of rear admiral may be permanently appointed to and regularly commissioned in the grade of captain: Provided further, That an officer desig- nated for engineering duty, aeronautical engineering duty, or special duty holding a permanent appointment in the Regular Navy on the date of establishment of the lineal list, and who at that time is serving under a temporary appointment in a grade to which appointed 834 [61 STAT.