Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 61 Part 1.djvu/859

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61 STAT.] 8OrI CONG. , IST SESS.-CH. 512-AUG. 7, 1947 for a period of limited duration, may be permanently appointed to and regularly commissioned in the grade and with precedence therein according to the lineal position to which he would be entitled had he not been so temporarily appointed: Provided further, That officers who, on the date of the establishment of the lineal list, were perma- nently commissioned in the line of the Regular Navy as ensigns, and who at that time were serving under temporary appointments as lieutenants (junior grade), may be permanently appointed to and regularly commissioned in the line of the Regular Navy in the grade of lieutenant (junior grade) and with the precedence to which entitled by virtue of their position on the lineal list: Provided further, That each line officer of the Naval Reserve on the lineal list who holds a permanent commission in the grade of ensign or above may be per- manently appointed to and regularly commissioned in the same grade in the Naval Reserve to which the line officer of the Regular Navy next junior to him is permanently appointed in the Regular Navy, and for the purpose of this proviso the position of any such Reserve officer on the lineal list shall be determined without regard to such temporary appointment in a grade to which appointed for a period of limited duration which he may hold: Providedfurther That no officer shall be appointed, pursuant to this subsection, to a higher grade than the grade held by him on the lineal list: Providedfurther, That appoint- ments made pursuant to this subsection shall not be subject to quali- fication by examination: Provided further, That all appointments to grades below that of rear admiral effected pursuant to this subsection shall be regarded as having been made with the advice and consent of the Senate: And providedfurther,That no provision of this title shall be construed to require the reappointment to a permanent grade of any officer who already holds a permanent appointment in such grade. (e) Upon completion of the establishment of the lineal list as prescribed by subsection (a) of this section, and upon the determina- tion of the number of officers authorized to be temporarily appointed in the various grades of the line, as prescribed by subsection (c) of this section, the President is authorized to fill vacancies in the various grades of the line of the Navy by temporarily appointing thereto officers who are on the lineal list established under subsection (a) of this section, and such officers shall be so appointed in the order of their seniority on such list: Provided, That an officer designated for engineering duty, aeronautical engineering duty, or special duty may be temporarily appointed to the same grade to which the line officer next junior to him on the lineal list, who is not restricted in the per- formance of duty, and who is not serving under a temporary appoint- ment in a grade to which appointed for a period of limited duration, may be so appointed pursuant to this subsection: Provided further, That the existing temporary appointment or designation of a line officer placed on the lineal list and who, on the date of establishment of such list, is serving in the grade or rank of admiral or vice admiral or in a grade to which appointed for a period of limited duration, is hereby continued in effect until such appointment or designation shall terminate by its terms or until terminated by the President. whichever shall be earlier; upon such termination such officer may be temporarily appointed to the grade and with the precedence therein to which he would be entitled were he not so serving or had he not been so temporarily appointed: Providedfurther, That retired personnel of the Navy or Naval Reserve who are serving on active duty on the date of the establishment of the lineal list under a tem- porary appointment in the grade of ensign or above, may be retained on active duty, and the existing temporary appointments of such personnel are hereby continued in effect until such appointments shall 835 Ensigns Authority to fill va- cancies by temporary appointments. Offmors dl lgtnated for englnonritig or apo- cal duty. Continuation of temporary appoint- ment, etc. Retired personnel on active duty.