Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 61 Part 1.djvu/860

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PUBLIC LAWS-CH. 512 -AUG. 7, 1947 Members of Fleet Reserve. Personnel In grades above commissioned warrant officer. Temporary appoint- ment to higher grade. Maximum number of line officers. Ante, p. 831. Maintenance of precedence. terminate by their own terms or until such appointments are termi- nated by the President or until the officers concerned shall be placed on inactive duty, whichever shall be earliest, and all such temporary appointments other than those for a period of limited duration may be affirmed by the President and upon such affirmation shall there- after be considered as having been effected pursuant to this section; upon the termination of the temporary appointment and retention on active duty of any such officer who is so serving, but whose tempo- rary appointment is one to a grade to which he is appointed for a period of limited duration, he may be temporarily appointed to the grade in which he would have been serving on the date of approval of this Act had he not been serving at that time under such temporary appointment in a grade to which appointed for a period of limited duration: Pro- vided further,That members of the Fleet Reserve who are serving on active duty on the date of the establishment of the lineal list under a temporary appointment in the grade of ensign or above may be retained on active duty and the existing temporary appointments of such personnel are hereby continued in effect until such appointments shall terminate by their own terms or until such appointments are specifically terminated by the President or until the officers concerned shall be placed on inactive duty, whichever shall be earliest, and all such temporary appointments other than those for a period of limited duration may be affirmed by the President and upon such affirmation shall thereafter be considered as having been effected pursuant to this section; upon the termination of the temporary appointment and retention on active duty of any such officer who is so serving, but whose temporary appointment is one to a grade to which he is appointed for a period of limited duration, he may be temporarily appointed to the grade in which he would have been serving on the date of approval of this Act had he not been serving at that time under such temporary appointment in a grade to which appointed for a period of limited duration: Provided further, That personnel of the Navy or Naval Reserve who are serving on active duty on the date of the establishment of the lineal list in grades above commis- sioned warrant officer, and who have never served in any such grade except under a temporary appointment in a grade to which appointed for a period of limited duration, may be retained on active duty and serve under such appointment until the termination thereof: Pro- vided further, That no officer shall be temporarily appointed, pur- suant to this subsection, to a higher grade than the grade held by him on the date of approval of this Act, exclusive of a temporary appoint- ment in the grade of admiral or vice admiral or in a grade to which appointed for a period of limited duration: Provided further, That officers who are eligible to be temporarily appointed to any grade pursuant to this subsection may be so appointed notwithstanding receipt of a permanent appointment pursuant to subsection (d) of this section if such temporary appointment is necessary to the main- tenance of their relative rank and precedence established by the lineal list: And provided further, That the number of line officers who may serve on active duty in any grade shall not exceed the authorized number of officers in such grade determined as prescribed in section 303 of this Act. (f) Permanent appointments effected pursuant to subsection (d) of this section shall be effected with such dates of rank and registered numbers as shall maintain for each officer the precedence evidenced by his position on the lineal list established pursuant to subsection (a) of this section: Provided, That for the purpose of this subsection such position on the lineal list shall be determined without regard to temporary appointments in the grades of admiral or vice admiral or in a grade to which appointed for a period of limited duration. 836 [61 STAT.