Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 61 Part 1.djvu/911

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61 STAT.] 80TH CONG. , 1 ST SESS.-CH. 512-AUG. 7, 1947 office in the grade of major general or higher grade, under permanent or temporary appointments (including general officers of the Army of the United States and general officers of each of the components thereof who may be serving on active Federal duty), and such officers, so designated and assigned, shall have the rank, title, pay, and allow- ances of a general or lieutenant general, as the case may be, while so serving, without vacation of their permanent grade, and, upon ter- mination of such an officer's service in any such position he shall re- sume his permanent grade or whatever temporary grade he may, at that time, be entitled to hold: Provided, That such officers shall have the rank, title, pay, and allowances of a general or lieutenant general under the provisions of this section only when appointed in such posi- tions by the President, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate: Provided further, That the number of such positions and the number of officers serving in such positions shall not exceed 15 per centum of the total number of general officers serving on active Fed- eral military duty (including those holding office under temporary appointments and general officers of the Army of the United States, and the several components thereof), and, of such number not more than 25 per centum may be positions carrying the rank of general: Providedfurther, That, unless a national emergency is declared after the date of this Act and before July 1, 1948, there shall, after such date, and until a national emergency is thereafter declared, be no addi- tional officers appointed in any grade above that of general and the total number of officers serving on active duty in grades above major general under this section or any other provision of law, shall not exceed the following: Forty-four in grade of lieutenant general or higher grade, of which not more than nine shall be above the grade of lieutenant general, and of the nine above the grade of lieutenant general, one shall be the Chief of Staff of the Army and one shall be the officer occupying the corresponding position of the Army Air Forces, and of the remaining seven above the grade of lieutenant gen- eral there shall be not more than four in the Army less the Air Corps and not more than three in the Air Corps and of the total forty-four in grade of lieutenant general or higher, there shall be not more than twenty-seven in the Army less the Air Corps and not more than seventeen in the Air Corps; except that there may be a general officer, either of the Air Corps or other than of the Air Corps, appointed as Chief of Staff to the President, and such officer, unless he be entitled to rank, title, or grade, and the pay and allowances of a general, or of a higher grade under some other provision of law, shall, when appointed to such position by and with the advice and consent of the Senate, have the rank, title, pay, and allowances of a general and he shall be additional to the numbers hereinbefore set forth in this pro- viso: And provided further, That the numbers of general officers set forth in this subsection and in the several provisos thereof shall be exclusive of general officers on the active list of the Regular Army who are specifically authorized by Acts of Congress to hold appoint- ments in the Diplomatic or Consular Service of the Government or to hold any civil office under the Government or any instrumentality thereof. (c) Within the limitations as to numbers in grade prescribed in this Act, one officer of the Navy, including the Marine Corps, one officer of the Army less the Air Corps, and one officer of the Air Corps, when designated by the President, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate, as senior members of the Military and Naval Staff Committee of the United Nations shall, while so serving, be entitled to the rank, pay, and allowances of a vice admiral or lieutenant general, as the case may be, and, in addition thereto, a personal money allowance of $2,200 per year. 887 Rank, pay, etc. Number of posi- tions, etc. Additional appoint- ments. Total number. Appointments in Diplomatic Service, etc. Members of Mili- tary and Naval Staff Committee, United Nations.