Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 61 Part 1.djvu/912

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PUBLIC LAWS-CH. 512-AUG. 7, 1947 Retirement. 56 Stat. 362. Pay and allowances. Repeal Promotion-list offi. cers. "Total authorized promotion- list strength." Schedule of percent- ages. (d) Any officer of the Regular Army who may be retired while serving in accordance with the provisions of subsection (b) or (c) of this section, or subsequent to such service, may, in the discretion of the President, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate, when retired, be placed on the retired list with the highest such grade or rank held by him while on the active list: Provided,That no increase in retired pay shall accrue solely as the result of such advancement in grade or rank on the retired list: Providedfurther,That the President, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate, may in his discretion extend the privilege herein granted to officers heretofore or hereafter retired, who served in the grade of general or lieutenant general between December 7,1941, and June 30,1946. (e) The second paragraph of section 7 of the Pay Readjustment Act of 1942, as amended (37 U. S. C . 107), is hereby amended to read as follows: "Officers of the Navy serving in the grade of vice admiral, officers of the Army serving in the grade of lieutenant general, and officers of the other services mentioned in the title of this Act serving in corre- sponding grades, shall be entitled, while so serving, to the pay and allowances of a rear admiral (upper half) and to a personal money allowance of $500 per year. Officers of the Navy serving in the grade of admiral, officers of the Army serving in the grade of general, and officers of the other services mentioned in the title of this Act serving in corresponding grades, shall be entitled, while so serving, to the pay and allowances of a rear admiral (upper half) and to a personal money allowance of $2,200 per year. Officers serving as the Chief of Naval Operations, the Chief of Staff of the Army, or in the corre- sponding position in the Army Air Forces, or as the Commandant of the Marine Corps, shall be entitled, while so serving, to the pay and allowances of a rear admiral (upper half) and to a personal money allowance of $4,000 per year." (f) The Act of August 5, 1939 (53 Stat. 1214), as amended (10 U. S . C . 482b), is hereby repealed. REGULAR ARMY OFFICERS--AUTHORIZED NUMBERS IN GRADES BELOW BRIGADIER GENERA--PROMOTION LISTS-SENIORrrY-DATE OF RANK SEC. 505. (a) The names of all active list commissioned officers of the Regular Army in permanent grades below that of brigadier general (except professors of the United States Military Academy, officers of the Army Nurse Corps, and Women's Medical Specialist Corps, and officers in special categories excluded by some express provision of law) shall be carried on promotion lists as hereinafter prescribed and such officers may be referred to as promotion-list officers. As used in this section the phrase "total authorized pro- motion-list strength" means the authorized active list commissioned officer strength of the Regular Army, exclusive of the numbers authorized by law for the Army Nurse Corps, the Women's Medical Specialist Corps, professors of.the United States Military Academy, any numbers authorized by special provisions of law providing for officers in designated categories as additional numbers and the number of active list general officers of the Regular Army. (b) (1) The authorized numbers in each of the several grades in each of the several promotions lists shall be prescribed by the Secre- tary of War by a schedule of percentages in grades for each list (there being authorized for each grade a percentage of the total strength authorized for that list), which schedule of percentages may be different for each promotion list, but the numbers thus authorized in each of the several grades in each of the several promotion lists shall not exceed any limitations prescribed by laws enacted after January 888 [61 STAT.