Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 61 Part 1.djvu/913

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61 STAT.] 80TH CONG. , 1ST SESS.-CH. 512-AUG. 7,1947 1, 1947, and shall not exceed in any promotion list the following percentages of the total strength authorized for that list: 8 per centum in grade of colonel, 14 per centum in grade of lieutenant colonel, 19 per centum in grade of major, 23 per centum in grade of captain, 18 per centum in grade of first lieutenant, and 18 per centum in grade of second lieutenant: Provided, That in the Medical Corps, Dental Corps, and chaplains promotion lists there shall be no second lieu- tenants, and the numbers authorized in the grade of first lieutenant in such promotion lists shall be all those not authorized in higher grades: Provided further, That numbers may be authorized for any grade in any promotion list in lieu of authorizations in higher grades: And provided further,That this provision shall not operate to require a reduction in permanent grade of any officer in any promotion list now holding permanent appointment in any grade. (2) The number authorized by the Secretary of War for each grade in each promotion list may be exceeded by the number of vacancies existing in higher grades in that list. The authorized num- bers in grades below colonel shall from time to time be temporarily increased as provided in sections 508 and 509 of this title in order to give effect to the promotion system prescribed in those sections. (c) PRoMOTION LISTS.- (1) The Army promotion list shall contain the names of all promotion-list officers except officers of the Air Corps, the several corps of the Medical Department, and chaplains. (2) The Air Corps promotion list shall contain the names of all promotion-list officers of the Air Corps. (3) The Medical Corps promotion list shall contain the names of all promotion-list officers of the Medical Corps. (4) The Dental Corps promotion list shall contain the names of all promotion-list officers of the Dental Corps. (5) The Veterinary Corps promotion list shall contain the names of all promotion-list officers of the Veterinary Corps. (6) The Medical Service Corps promotion list shall contain the names of all promotion-list officers of the Pharmacy Corps, the Medical Administrative Corps, and the Medical Service Corps. (7) The chaplains promotion list shall contain the names of all promotion-list chaplains. (d) DATE OF RANK AND SENIORITY IN PERMANENT GRADE.- (1) On each of the several promotion lists, names of officers shall be arranged by grade in which the officers hold permanent appointments in the Regular Army in the following order: First, colonels; second, lieu- tenant colonels; third, majors; fourth, captains fifth, first lieutenants; and, sixth, second lieutenants. The words "grade", "senior", and "seniority" as used in this section mean "permanent grade", "senior in permanent grade", and "permanent grade seniority", respectively. (2) Among officers of the same grade and promotion list, names shall be arranged as provided in this title and seniority among such officers shall be established thereby. The officer whose name appears first on the list shall be the senior, the officer whose name appears second on the list shall be the senior next below the first, the officer whose name appears third on the list shall be the senior next below the second, and so on throughout the list. (3) Among officers of the same grade whose names are not contained on the same promotion list, the officer with the earliest date of rank shall be the senior, and in cases of same date of rank, the officer with the greatest amount of continuous active commissioned service in the Regular Army shall be the senior, and in cases where this is the same, seniority shall be as established at time of original appointment in the Regular Army, and in cases not covered by the foregoing, as estab- lished by the Secretary of War. Any officer transferred from one 889 Exclusion of second lieutenants, etc. Numbers in lieu of authorizations in higher grades. Reduction in grade. Authorized number exceeded by vacan- cies, etc. Post, p . 894. "Orade". "senior"; "seniority."