Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 61 Part 1.djvu/951

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61 STAT.] 80TH CONG. , 1ST SESS.--C 519--AUG. 8 , 1947 with proof of service of a true copy of said notice and statement upon the Secretary. Unless a later date is specified by the Secretary as part of his decision, the decision complained of shall be considered to be effective as of the date on which public announcement of the decision is made at the office of the Secretary in the city of Washington. The Secretary shall thereupon, and in any event not later than ten days from the date of such service upon him, mail or otherwise deliver a copy of said notice of appeal to each person shown by the records of the Secretary to be interested in such appeal and to have a right to intervene therein under the provisions of this section, and shall at all times thereafter permit any such person to inspect and make copies of appellants' reasons for said appeal at the office of the Secretary in the city of Washington. Within thirty days after the filing of said appeal the Secretary shall file with the court the originals or certified copies of all papers and evidence presented to him upon the hearing involved, a like copy of his decision thereon, a full statement in writing of the facts and grounds for his decisions as found and given by him and a list of all interested persons to whom he has mailed or otherwise delivered a copy of said notice of appeal. (d) Within thirty days after the filing of said appeal any interested person may intervene and participate in the proceedings had upon said appeal by filing with the court a notice of intention to intervene and a verified statement showing the nature of the interest of such party together with proof of service of true copies of said notice and statement, both upon the appellant and upon the Secretary. Any person who would be aggrieved or whose interests would be adversely affected by reversal or modification of the decision of the Secretary complained of shall be considered an interested party. (e) At the earliest convenient time the court shall hear and deter- mine the appeal upon the record before it, and shall have power, upon such record, to enter a judgment affirming or reversing the decision, and if it enters an order reversing the decision of the Secretary it shall remand the case to the Secretary to carry out the judgment of the court: Provided, however, That the review by the court shall be limited to questions of law and that findings of fact by the Secretary, if supported by substantial evidence, shall be conclu- sive unless it shall clearly appear that the findings of the Secretary are arbitrary or capricious. The court's judgment shall be final, subject, however, to review by the Supreme Court of the United States, upon writ of certiorari on petition therefor under section 240 of the Judicial Code, as amended (U. S . C ., title 28, sec. 347), by appellant, by the Secretary, or by any interested party intervening in the appeal. (f) The court may, in its discretion, enter judgment for costs in favor of or against an appellant, and other interested parties inter- vening in said appeal, but not against the Secretary, depending upon the nature of the issues involved in such appeal and the outcome thereof. SEC. 206. Subject to the provisions of sections 207 and 408 relating to the suspension of quotas, sugar quotas shall be established pursuant to this Act for the calendar year 1948 within ten days after effective date of this Act. SEc. 207. (a) Not more than twenty-nine thousand six hundred and sixteen short tons, raw value, of the quota for Hawaii for any calendar year may be filled by direct-consumption sugar. (b) Not more than one hundred and twenty-six thousand and thirty-three short tons, raw value, of the quota for Puerto Rico for any calendar year may be filled by direct-consumption sugar. (c) None of the quota for the Virgin Islands for any calendar year may be filled by direct-consumption sugar. 927 Effective date of decision. Filing of certified copies, etc., by Secre- tary. Intervention by interested person, etc. Jurisdiction. Limitation. Finality of judg- nlellt. 36 Stat. 1157. Judgment for costs. Establishment of quotas for 194S. Post, p . 933. Direct-consumption portions of quotas. Hawaii. Puerto Rico. Virgin Islands.