Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 61 Part 1.djvu/952

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PUBLIC LAWS-CH. 519-AUG. 8 , 1947 Philippines. 60 Stat. 144. 22U.S. C. 11261. Cuba. Nonapplicability. Ante, p. 925. Suspension of direct- consumption portions of quotas. Post, p. 933. Quotas for liquid sugar for foreign coun- tries. Unlawful acts. Determinations in terms of raw value. Liquid sugar. Credits and draw- backs. 46 Stat. 693. 19 U. S.C. 11313. (d) Not more than fifty-six thousand short tons of sugar of the quota for the Republic of the Philippines for any calendar year may be filled by direct-consumption sugar as specified in section 211 of the Philippine Trade Act of 1946. (e) Not more than three hundred and seventy-five thousand short tons, raw value, of the quota for Cuba for any calendar year may be filled by direct-consumption sugar. (f) This section shall not apply with respect to the quotas estab- lished under section 203 for marketing for local consumption in Hawaii and Puerto Rico. (g) The direct-consumption portions of the quotas established pursuant to this section, and the enforcement provisions of title II applicable thereto, shall continue in effect and shall not be subject to suspension pursuant to the provisions of section 408 of this Act unless the President acting thereunder specifically finds and proclaims that a national economic or other emergency exists with respect to sugar or liquid sugar which requires the suspension of direct-consumption portions of the quotas. SEC. 208. Quotas for liquid sugar for foreign countries for each calendar year are hereby established as follows: In terms of wine gallons of Country 72% total sugar content Cuba.------------------------------ _--------- 7, 970, 558 Dominican Republic . -- - - ____--_- --- --- --- -- --- --- 830,894 Other foreign countries------------------------------- 0 SEC. 209. All persons are hereby prohibited- (a) From bringing or importing into the continental United States from the Territory of Hawaii, Puerto Rico, the Virgin Islands, or foreign countries, (1) any sugar or liquid sugar after the applicable quota, or the proration of any such quota, has been filled, or (2) any direct-consumption sugar after the direct-consumption portion of any such quota has been filled; (b) From shipping, transporting, or marketing in interstate com- merce, or in competition with sugar or liquid sugar shipped, trans- ported, or marketed in interstate or foreign commerce, any sugar or liquid sugar produced from sugar beets or sugarcane grown in either the domestic-beet-sugar area or the mainland cane-sugar area after the quota for such area has been filled; (c) From marketing in either the Territory of Hawaii or Puerto Rico, for consumption therein, any sugar or liquid sugar after the quota therefor has been filled; (d) From exceeding allotments of any quota, direct-consumption portion of any quota, or proration of any quota, made to them pur- suant to the provisions of this Act. SEC. 210. (a) The determinations provided for in sections 201 and 203, and all quotas, prorations, and allotments, except quotas established pursuant to the provisions of section 208, shall be made or established in terms of raw value. (b) For the purposes of this title, liquid sugar, except that imported from foreign countries, shall be included with sugar in making the determinations provided for in sections 201 and 203 and in the establish- ment or revision of quotas, prorations, and allotments. SEC. 211. (a) The raw-value equivalent of any sugar or liquid sugar in any form, including sugar or liquid sugar in manufactured products, exported from the continental United States under the provisions of section 313 of the Tariff Act of 1930 shall be credited against any charges which shall have been made in respect to the applicable quota or proration for the country of origin. The country of origin of sugar or liquid sugar in respect to which any credit shall be established 928 [61 STAT.