Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 61 Part 1.djvu/995

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INDEX Army-Continued Mail clerks, etc. - Additional compensation, repeal of provisions --------------- .- - Adjustment of claims, date of termi- nation of war in interpretation of provisions of Act of Dec. 7, 1945- Maternity and infant care, emergency, wives and children of enlisted men, appropriation for; liquidation of activity - ---


-- - -- - Medals, decorations, etc., from certain foreign governments- Acceptance authorized; time limita- tion- _ _- ....---______....--__ Amendment ---------- _ _-_ _ __ __ Date of termination of war in interpre- tation of provisions of Act of July 20, 1942-__-.-. .......- Medical Corps, examination for promo- tion, discontinuance, repeal of Act of November 29, 1940 -------.. .- Medical Department. See under War Department. Medical Officer Procurement Act of 1947, Army-Navy-Public Health Service

_- __ --- ------_ _ _ Medical Service Corps. See Army Medical Service Corps under Army- Navy Medical Services Corps Act of 1947. Metropolitan Police force band, D. C ., retired officer as director, appoint- ment authorized - ...-- . .- -- __. . Mileage accounts, military personnel, provision for payment and settle- ment-----.-------.._-......... Minors, discharge of, repeal of desig- nated provisions


Mount, no additional pay to officer owning ------ . ... ..-. ..- ... --- National Guard. See separate title. Nurse Corps. See Army Nurse Corps under Army-Navy Nurses Act of 1947. Occupied areas, funds for administra- tion of _ .. _.-..__.___________.- Officers- Annual classification, termination of sus- pension of provisions of National Defense Act; repeal of Act of July 29, 1941; effective date-----. .. Appointments, date of --------. .- - Medical and dental- Original appointments----------- Pay--.-__--------------------- Naval postgraduate school, attend- ance at _ -- ---- --- ___________ Officer Personnel Act of 1947. See separatetitle. Page 211 453 273 93 715 453 449 776 311 23 192 553 569 451 95 777 776 706 Army-Continued Officers-Continued Rank and precedence in time of war, etc., date of termination of war in interpretation of provision of Act of June 4, 1920 ----

Removal from active list, repeal of Act of July 29, 1941 -------------- Reserve Corps- Active duty, temporary appoint- ments ------------ __ _--__ _ Army Nurse Corps Section, estab- lishment-----------_ ---_ __ _ Government and D. C. employees who are members, acceptance of Government employment, pay and allowances, etc ---_ _ Women's Medical Specialist Corps Section, establishment ------ Reserve officers on active duty, funds available for pay and allow- ances-------------___ ______ __ Reserve Officers' Training Corps- Appropriation for-------- _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Mounted units, limitation ---- ___ Restriction on use of funds----- _ _ Surplus stocks of War Department, furnishing of supplies from-_ _ Veterinary units, restriction on fur- ther enrollments ---- ______ _ Retired officers- Recall to duty in time of war, date of termination of war in inter- pretation of provision of Act of June 4, 1920 ---.- ----- _--. Sale of supplies to Army or War Department, restriction --- __ Wartime pay, officer exercising com- mand higher than his grade, date of termination of war in interpre- tation of provision of Act of April 26, 1898---- -------- .. . .. .. . Olympic games, participation author- ized; expenses ------------- . .. _. Ordnance service and supplies- Appropriation for-------------- _ __ Rescission ----------------- ___-- Transfer of funds from----_ -- __ _ _ Organized Reserves. See separate title. Panama, acquisition of land, reduction in appropriation ------ __________ Pay and allowances during periods of ab- sence from duty, date of termina- tion of war in interpretation of Act of March 7, 1942 ----- ..-.---- Pay Readjustment Act of 1942, Amend- ments. See separatetitle. Philippines, damages in, date of termina- tion of war in interpretation of Act of July 31, 1945 ----------- . . _ Page 452 451 908 46 239 46 569 566 567 567 567 567 452 553 453 243 562 573 71 22 453 454 XIV