Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 61 Part 2.djvu/170

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[61 STAT. TREATIES tion, provided that if the new International Health Organiza- tion has not been formed or, hav- ing been formed, is unable to per- form the above duties and func- tions by the date on which UNRRA, owing to the termina- tion of its activities in Europe or for any other reason, ceases to be able to perform them, those duties and functions shall be entrusted to the Office International d'Hy- giene Publique and the countries signatory to this Protocol will, in that event, make appropriate fi- nancial provisions so as to enable the Office to perform those duties and functions. ARTICLE III The present Protocol shall re- main open for signature until May 1, 1946. ARTICLE IV The present Protocol shall come into force when it has been signed without reservation in regard to ratification, or instruments of rati- fication have been deposited or notifications of accession have been received on behalf of at least ten Governments. The present Protocol shall come into force in respect of each of the other signa- tory Governments on the date ol signature on its behalf, unless such signature is made with a reserva- tion in regard to ratification, ir which event the present Protocol shall come into force in respect oi such Government on the date o: the deposit of its instrument ol ratification. ARTICLE V After May 1, 1946 the presen Protocol shall be open to accessioi by any Government which is i party to the 1944 Convention ant nouvelle Organisation internatio- nale d'Hygiene n'a pas encore et6 constitute, ou si, apres sa consti- tution, elle se trouve dans l'impos- sibilit6 de se charger des tAches et fonctions mentionn6es ci-dessus Ala date Alaquelle UNRRA, parce que ses activites en Europe ont pris fin ou pour toute autre raison, cessera d'etre en mesure de s'en charger, ces taches et fonctions seront confi6es A l'Office inter- national d'HygiAne publique et, dans ce cas, les pays signataires du present Protocole prendront les mesures financieres appropri6es pour permettre A 1'Office de rem- plir ces tAches et fonctions. ARTICLE III Le present Protocole demeurera ouvert A la signature jusqu'au ler mai 1946. ARTICLE IV Le present Protocole entrera en vigueur lorsqu'il aura ete sign6 sans r6serve de ratification, ou lorsque des instruments de ratifi- cation auront ete deposes ou des notifications d'adhesion regues au nom de dix Gouvernements au moins. Le present Protocole 1 entrera en vigueur A 1'egard de - chacun des autres Gouvernements f signataires Ala date de la signature en son nom, a moins que cette signature ne soit accompagnee d'une reserve de ratification, au- quel cas le present Protocole f entrera en vigueur A1'egard de ce f Gouvernement a la date du d6p6t f de son instrument de ratification. ARTICLE V t Aprs le ler mai 1946, le present i Protocole sera ouvert a l'adhesion a de tout Gouvernement partie Ala i Convention de 1944 qui n'est pas Entry into force. Accessions. 1t24