Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 61 Part 3.djvu/828

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INTERNATIONAL AGREEMENTS OTHER THAN TREATIES [61 STAT. sula XIII del Convenio de Pr6rroga para que este entre en vigor, me es grato reiterarle el testimonio de mi distinguida consideraci6n, ilterio L Honorable Sefior JOHN B. FAUST, Encargado de Negocios a.i. de 8os Estados Unidos de America. EmbajadaAmericana. Translation DEPARTMENT OF FOREIGN RELATIONS OF THE REPUBLIC OF HONDURAS NATIONAL PALACE: No.33 . Tegucigalpa, D.C ., May 13, 1947. SIR: In accordance with Clause XIII of the EXTENSION AGREEMENT relative to the extension of the Cooperative Health and Sanitation Program established by the Government of Honduras and the Insti- tute of Inter-American Affairs, signed in this city of Tegucigalpa on May 9 last, in two copies, each written in English and in Spanish, I have the honor to send you the present note, informing you that the Government of Honduras approves the said Agreement, the text of which in Spanish is as follows: "EXTENSION AGREEMENT Relative to the extension of the Cooperative Health and Sanitation Program drawn up by the Government of Honduras and the Institute of Inter-American Affairs. The present Agreement is concluded between the Government of Honduras, represented by Lic. Cecilio Colindres Zepeda, Under Secretary of State in charge of the Departments of the Interior, Justice, Health and Social Welfare of Honduras (hereinafter called "the Minister") and the Institute of Inter-American Affairs, which is an incorporated agency of the Government of the United States of America (hereinafter called the "Institute") represented by Dr. Marcus H. Flinter, Head in Honduras of the Health and Sanitation Section of the Institute (hereinafter called "Head of the Institute") for the purpose of recording the extension of and amendments to the Cooperative Health and Sanitation Program, established in accordance with the Agreement concluded between the Institute and the Govern- ment of Honduras on July 8, 1942, and amended through the Adt. p. 233