Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 61 Part 4.djvu/417

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1 STTr.] UNITED KINGDOM-AID TO GREECEJuly 25, 1947 Oct. 9, 1947 Arrangement between the United States of America and the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland respecting the pro- curement of military equipment and supplies for aid to Greece. Ef- fected by exchange of notes signed at Washington July 25 and October 9, 19.i7; entered into force October 9, 1947. The Secretary of State to the British Charge d'Affaires ad interim DEPARTMENT OF STATE WASHINGTON July 25, 1947 SIR: Due to the lapse of time between the approval of the Act to Provide for Assistance to Greece and Turkey, effective May 22, 1947, and the actual arrival of American military equipment and supplies in Greece, the Government of the United States wishes to establish an arrangement with the Government of the United Kingdom which would: (1) provide for the continuation of the furnishing of such supplies and equipment by the United Kingdom as are necessary for the Greek military program until United States supplies arrive in Greece; (2) provide for the continued procurement by the Government of the United Kingdom of certain supplies required by the Greek Armed Forces which the Government of the United States is not now in a position to provide from its own resources. Pending further arrangements, the Government of the United States hereby undertakes to the extent provided in this note to pay the Government of the United Kingdom for supplies and equipment issued, and for services incident to the procurement and delivery of such supplies and equipment provided by the Government of the United Kingdom to the Government of Greece for the Greek Armed Forces after May 22, 1947. Such issues shall be deemed to include all arrivals in Greece of such supplies and equipment after May 22, 1947. Such supplies, equipment, and services shall be deemed to exclude items which the Government of the United Kingdom has agreed to pro- vide free of charge, including (a) certain initial equipment and supplies for the Greek Army provided against demands submitted before May 22, 1947 (esti- mated to be approximately £2,000,000 in value); (b) any supplies for the Greek Air Force which were included subject to availabilities in the Order of Battle agreed with the Brit- ish Air Ministry in 1946 and certain special items added thereto in 1947; July 25, October 9, 1947 [T. I A.S . 1718] 61 Stat. , Pt. 1, p. 103. Free items. 3763