Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 61 Part 4.djvu/418

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3764 American Mission for Aid to Greece. 60 Stat. 1525, 1539. Cancellation of re- quested items. INTERNATIONAL AGREEMENTS OTHER THAN TREATIES [61 STAT. (c) any other items which the Government of the United King- dom has agreed to provide free of charge in accordance with ar- rangements previously made by the Government of the United King- dom with the Greek Government or against payment by the Greek Government from funds made available by the Government of the United Kingdom for that purpose. Pending the establishment of military and naval supply programs in accordance with the fourth paragraph hereof, it is the understand- ing of the Government of the United States that the British authori- ties concerned will issue within reasonable limits necessary supplies and equipment based on their past experience and upon the essential needs of the Greek Government for the maintenance of its military forces. The Government of the United States, however, does not undertake financial responsibility for any issues beyond such reason- able limits. In order to assure that continuing requirements of the Greek Armed Forces are met with respect to certain limited and vital equipment and supplies which the Government of the United States is not now in a position to provide from its own resources, it is spe- cifically requested that the Government of the United Kingdom con- tinue procurement of (1) food requirements of the Greek Armed Forces through August 31, 1947 for 176,000 men, or such other num- ber as may be agreed, on the same scale as now used, and (2) necessary ammunition and maintenance supplies, in quantities agreed between representatives of the two Governments, for equipment of British origin now held by the Greek Armed Forces. Personnel of the military and naval sections of the American Mis- sion for Aid to Greece will have arrived in Greece shortly after the effective date of the Act. These representatives will cooperate with the British military, naval, and air missions in Greece in the estima- tion of military supply requirements which might be met from British sources and will ordinarily request the Government of the United King- dom through appropriate channels to supply such categories of supplies and equipment as the War or Navy Department may deem appropriate. The Government of the United States will be financially responsible for, but only for, all issues made by the Government of the United Kingdom against such requests. Representatives of the Government of the United States will review with representatives of the Govern- ment of the United Kingdom questions relating to the establishment of the basis for prices. This note, of course, in no way affects the status of lend-lease articles which are subject to the United States-United Kingdom Military Holdings Agreement of March 27, 1946, any transfers of which will be made without charge to the Government of the United States. In the event that the Government of the United States requests changes in procurement which require the cancellation by the Government of the United Kingdom of any items previously requested by the Government of the United States for which procure- ment action has been initiated, the Government of the United States will be responsible for any financial loss to the Government of the United Kingdom in connection therewith.