Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 61 Part 4.djvu/419

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61 STAT.] UNITED KINGDOM-AID TO GREECE uly 25, 1947 3765 Oct. 9, 1947 376 The Government of the United States will wish to conclude more u . I. accounts and records. detailed understandings with respect to the pricing, methods of ac- counting, and of payment for the equipment and supplies provided by thle Government of the United Kingdom to the Greek Government in accordance with the paragraphs above. Pending such detailed ar- rangements, it is requested that the Government of the United King- doim keep detailed accounts and records to facilitate the settlement of accounts between the Government of the United States and the Gov- ernment of the United Kingdom. Accept, Sir, the renewed assurances of my high consideration. G. C . MARSHALL The Honorable J. BALFOUR, K.C .M.G ., Minister Plenipotentiary, British Charge d'Affaires ad interim. The BritishAmbassador to the Secretary of State BRITISH EMBASSY, WASHINGTON, D.C. (80/212/47) 9th October, 1947. SI: With reference to your note of the 25th July, addressed to Mr. Balfour, concerning the provision of supplies to Greece, I have the honour to inform you that the arrangements therein set out are ac- ceptable to His Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom, subject to the following considerations which are presented by His Majesty's Government for the sake of clarification only. With regard to sub-paragraph (a) of the second paragraph of your Ante, p.3763. note, His Majesty's Government confirm that they have undertaken to provide to the Greek Government after the 31st March, 1947, free military equipment and supplies to the approximate value of £2 mil- lion. A considerable proportion of the equipment and supplies form- ing part of this gift was delivered to the Greek Government before the 22nd May, 1947, but it is confirmed that, insofar as deliveries of initial equipment and supplies forming the balance of the gift are made after the 22nd May, 1947, against demands submitted before that date, they will be provided free by His Majesty's Government. His Majesty's Government confirm further that they have under- taken to provide the equipment and supplies covered in the second paragraph of your note and that the aforementioned equipment and supplies constitute the total amount of assistance which His Majesty's Government have agreed to supply free of charge. His Majesty's Government assume that the third paragraphof your note will apply to all issues made within reasonable limits against any demands submitted by the Greek authorities before the arrival of the United States Mission, excluding those covered by sub-paragraphs (a), (b) and (c) of the second paragraphof your note, and, therefore, that