Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 61 Part 4.djvu/667

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61 STAT.] ECUADOR-CIVIL AVIATION MISSION-OCT. 24, 27, 1947 third Government or person confidential or secret matters of which tLihy may become cognizant in the exercise of their duties. 5. Compensation of Mission members shall not be subject to any tax now or hereafter in effect of the Government of Ecuador or any of its political or administrative subdivisions. Should there, however, at present or while this agreement is in effect, be any taxes that might affect this compensation, such taxes shall be paid by the Government of Ecuador, in order to comply with the provisions of this paragraph. 6. The Government of the United States of America shall pay the salary, allowances, travel expenses to and from Ecuador, and any additional compensation of the technicians, subject to partial reim- bursement by the Government of Ecuador. 7. The Government of Ecuador shall reimburse the Government of the United States of America toward the expenses incurred in connec- tion with the assignment of each technician at the completion of each six-month period of each assignment. However, for accounting and procedural reasons, it will not be necessary for the Government of Ecuador to make any payments to the Government of the United States of America until such time as the Government of Ecuador shall have received a statement of its obligations in this connection. 8. The Government of Ecuador shall provide for entry free of customs duties for supplies, materials and effects for the professional and personal use of the technicians. 9. The Government of Ecuador shall provide the technicians with means of transportation within Ecuador, outside of the headquarters location, incurred in the conduct of their duties and pay the cost thereof, as well as the cost of acquisition of material, equipment and facilities necessary to the conduct of the Mission. 10. The Government of Ecuador shall provide technicians with suitably-equipped offices and adequate bilingual stenographic per- sonnel and other employees, and bear the cost thereof. 11. The Government of Ecuador shall grant to authorized members of the Mission, approval to make flights in Ecuador in aircraft of United States or Ecuadoran registry as deemed necessary in the per- formance of the Mission. 12. The Government of Ecuador shall permit the transportation of the body of any technician detailed under these conditions who may die in Ecuador, to a place of burial in the United States of America selected by the surviving members of the family or their legal repre- sentatives. 13. The Government of Ecuador shall assume civil liability on account of damages to or loss of property or on account of personal injury or death caused by any member of the Mission while acting within the scope of his duties. 14. The above conditions may be modified in whole or in part by an exchange of notes between the Government of the United States of America and the Government of Ecuador. 4015