Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 61 Part 4.djvu/776

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Rights Pot p. 413 4124 INTERNATIONAL AGREEMENTS OTHER THAN TREATIES [61 STAT. who, after having exohangedtheir fullpowers,fbund to be in good and due form, agreed upon the following articles: ARTICLE I The Contracting Parties grant eachother therights speoified in the Annex hereto,in order that there may be established the regular air services described therein (hereinafter referred to as "agreed services"). ARTICLE X 1 - Each of the agreed services may be inaugurated in mediately or at a later date,at the option of the Contracting Party to whom the rights hare been granted, but not before: (a) the Contracting Party to whom the rights have been gran ted shall have designated an airline or airlines for the route or rou tea speoified; (b) the Contracting Party granting the rights shall have gL ven the necessary operating permission to the airline or airlines coa oerned (whiohit shall do without delay, in accordance with the provi sions of paragraph 2 of this article and of Article VI). 2 - The airlines so designated may be required to sa tisfy the aeronautical authorities of the Contracting Partygranting the rights,that they are in a position to fulfill the require ents pros oribed by the laws and regulations normally applied by these authorL ties to the operation of oommerolal airlines. Inauguration of servic. Post,p. 4128 .