Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 61 Part 5.djvu/781

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0;1 S LA.I i;lN\:IL\I. \(I1;E:IlMI.\IN'I '(1. TA-lI'I'SANI TI AI)d t()('T . 31. 1947 a ':Ob, .-I - I'R.I 'CL I 'T I (Co.,tinued) French Tariff Itau 2o. 919A 019B 92L. 9213 924.. 0Z:4 92sC Dosorintion of 'eroduots Yarn of rool or fine hair, pure or mixed, put-up for retail aalot oc rdd ...................................... eonbod .................................... flax or railo yarn, puro or as.siniLtod y-rn, not put-up for rotail sale: Jirnle: unbleached ............................... bleaohod, dcyod or printod ............... Tisoetod or cablod, unblcaohod, blcached, dyed or nrintcd ................................. Flrx or rarle yr-n, puro or mixed, put-un7 for retall salo ................................... Yarn of puro cotton, or aasinil toa y.rn, noithor glasod sor meroerisod. not put-up for retail sales sinrle, unblacohad, soourod, croaeod, bloaohed, dod or prited, mocasurinS to tho kge loss than 99,500 r. .......... .. .... ... 99,500 n. and moro ....................... sinle. douolo-osun and rith special t iet for voilos and oropos, unbleached, awUred, cremoed, bleachod, dyed or printed, wrauring to the 'Z losa than 50,600M, . .... .... .... .... .. 99,500 m. and moro ...................... triseted, mabloaced. coaurod, orocred. bleached, dyod or printod, moasuring to the l'E. in sinelo yarnm A78 9 tate of duty ad valorem lo% 10% IC% 12% 12% is% 20% 15% zO%