Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 62 Part 1.djvu/1349

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Choctaw, Oklahoma and Gulf Railroad Page Company, termination of certain rights, powers, etc --------------- _ 532 Choctaw and Chickasaw Nations of In- dians, ratification of contract for pur- chase by United States of certain lands and mineral deposits-- _- -- -- _ 59( Choctaw Coal and Railway Company, re- peal of Act of incorporation-_ _ -- -- - 532 Choctaw Indians, Okla., appropriation for fulfilling treaties with----------- 1120 Chopawamsic Park: Appropriation for-------- _- -- - -- - -- _ 1141 Transfer of jurisdiction of portion; acquisition of lands for; appropri- ation authorized--------------- 571, 572 Chowan River and Tributaries, Va. and N. C., flood control, preliminary ex- aminations and surveys, authoriza- tion---------------------------- 1181 Cinchona Bark: Allocations under Second Decontrol Act of 1947, time extension; termi- nation authority --------------- 58 Repeal of provisions--------------- 342 Cincinnati, Ohio: Water and sanitary investigations sta- tion, appropriation for----------- 402 Water pollution control, appropriation for preparation of plans for build- ings and facilities for use of Public Health Service----------------- 1032 Appropriation authorized --------- 1159 Citizens' Military Training Camps, hos- pitalization and medical treatment, definition of term "in time of peace"--------------

488 Citizenship and Naturalization. See also Aliens; Nationality Act of 1940. Displaced Persons Act of 1948-------- 1009 False statements, penalty ------------ 752 Government employees, citizenship re- quirements. See Citizenship re- quirements, employees, under Gov- ernment Departments and Agen- cies. Housing projects, low-rent, citizenship requirements for rental or occu- pancy; exceptions --------------- 1184 Information and Educational Exchange Act of 1948, admission of persons under------------------------- 7 Offenses relating to, penalties---------- 766 Citrus Blackfly Control, appropriation for ----------------------------- 64 City Delivery Service, Post Office Depart- ment, appropriation for---------- 225 , 418 T^rBnPf- nf f, frn -__-- 2925 Civil Aeronautics Act of 1938, Amend- Page ments: Air-traffic control-tower operators, pro- vision for training; appropriation authorized--------------------. 1093 Aircraft ownership, recording of------ 494 Civil airways, designation and estab- lishment----------_ - -- - -- - -- - -_ 1216 Definitions, "spare parts", "conditional sale"-------------------------- 493 Delegation of authority, Civil Aero- nautics Board------ _ __ _ _ __ _ --- _ 1217 Hearings and investigations, conducting of, authority ------------------ 1217 Liability of certain persons not in possession of aircraft, limitation -- 470 Property, acquisition and disposal ___ - 1217 Civil Aeronautics Administration. See also Civil Aeronautics Act of 1938, Amendments. Administrator, salary----------.----. 1039 Air-navigation facilities, etc.- Contract authorization --- _ ---- 324, 1038 Establishment, appropriation for-.-- 323 Establishment and operation, author- ity ------------ _--._-----__- 1216 Operation by Coast Guard on floating ocean stations, approval -------- 574 Transfer from Departments of Army, Navy, and Air Force, author- ized------------------------- 324 Aircraft, funds available for hire ------ 65 Airport traffic control towers, crediting of funds from public authorities for operation----------------------- 823 Alaska- Anchorage and Fairbanks, airports at or near, construction and oper- ation, authority --------------- 277 Appropriation authorized -------. 279 Appropriation for; contract author- ity-------------.--.-- -- - 1039 Distressed persons in remote locali- ties, relief, funds available------ 328 Medical services for employees in, funds available ------------ 219, 328 Subsistence supplies for resale, funds available--------------------- 328 Appropriation for------------ --- 323, 1038 Contract authorization---------- 324, 1038 Emergency repairs and replacements, funds available --------------- 324 Federal-aid airport program, funds for; merger of funds -------------- 324, 325 Fish and Wildlife Service, transfer of aircraft and other surplus property to, authority .----.----------- - 1146 International Aviation Facilities ActL. 450 INDEX XXVII jluOJ.C VI u L-LU .... -- -


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