Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 62 Part 1.djvu/1350

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XXVIII Civil Aeronautics Administration-Con. Pai Loran stations, establishment, mainte- nance, and operation by Coast Guard; cooperation ----------- _ _ 105 Los Angeles, Calif., conveyance at---- 32 National Advisory Committee for Aero- nautics, representation on---_ --- - 26 Navigation aids, establishment, main- tenance, and operation by Coast Guard; cooperation-------- __ ___ _ 105 Reclamation, Bureau of, transfer of sur- plus aircraft, etc., to, authority__ 113 Regulations, violation of, penalty---- 45 Surplus aircraft, parts, etc., transfers with Departments of Air Force, Army, and Navy, authorized----- 32 Transfers of funds ---------------- _ 32 Washington National Airport-- Appropriation for- ---------------_ 324 Ground operation equipment, transfer from Departments of Air Force, Army, and Navy, authorized-- _ 32' Civil Aeronautics Board: Alaska- Medical services for employees in, funds available ------------- 219, 32S Subsistence supplies for resale, funds available--. ___-- - -- - -- - -- - __ - 32- Appropriation for -- ----- _-------- _ 325 Delegation of authority to Civil Aero- nautics Administration ---------- 1217 Loans to air carriers, approval require- ment ---------- __--...__----- _ 263 Salary rates of members --------- . - - 325 Civil Air Patrol, establishment as volunteer civilian auxiliary of U. S. Air Force__ 274 Civil Aviation Organization, International: Appropriation for; availability of funds_ 309, 1046, 1047 United Nations Participation Act of 1945, applicability of provisions- _ 309 Civil Functions Appropriation Act, 1949-_ 1019 Civil Relief Act of 1940, Soldiers' and Sailors': Amendment, repayment to United States for certain debts, credit to appro- priation for payment of claims- _ - 160 Applicability to persons in armed forces_ 623 Appropriation for payment of claims under ------ _------------_ 1035,1202 Civil Rights, Violation or Deprivation of, penal provisions------------- ______ 696 Civil Service. See Government Em- ployees. Civil Service Act, Amendment, physically handicapped persons, nondiscrimina- tion against in appointment-------- 351 Civil Service Commission: Alaska Railroad retirement and dis- ability fund, appropriation for---- 180 Civil Service Commission-Continued. Page Appropriation for--.--- ---- --__ __ ___ 179 Canal Zone retirement and disability fund, appropriation for -------- _ 180 Civil-service retirement and disability fund, funds for------ 180, 539, 1080, 1163 Comptroller of the Currency, Office of, transfer of retirement fund to Civil Service Retirement and Disability Fund-------------------------- 1163 Details from other agencies, restriction_ 179 Emergency transfers or details-------- 179 Legal Examining Unit, funds not avail- able-------------------------- . 180 Loyalty Review Board- Appropriation for ---- _-----------. 179 Nonapplicability of designated pro- visions of law to ---- _----_---_ 180 Panama Canal construction annuity fund, appropriation for -------- _ _ 180 Supervisory positions, compensation of personnel allocating, limitations-_ 180 Civil Service Retirement Act, Amend- ments: Annuities- Computation -------------------- 49 Payment, times for--------------- 57, 58 Retired employees, increase in annu- ity------------------------- 52 Surviving spouses of annuitants re- tired prior to April 1, 1948---. 670 Armed forces, credit for service in ---. 50 Automatic separation for age ------- 48 Beneficiary, designation of - ------ .- 57 Congress, Members of- Nonapplicability of certain amend- ments to--------------------- 49 Service in armed forces, retirement pay--------------------- 504 Death of officer or employee, survivors' annuities, etc--------------. 54, 55, 56 Definitions- "Basic salary, pay, or compensation". 50 "Child"------- -----

55 "Widow"---------------------- 55 Deposits for service credit ---------- 53 Disability retirement --------------- 51 Effective date --------------- _------ 58 Employee contributions, increase in -- 53 Federal Bureau of Investigation, certain personnel ------------------- 48 Hazardous service, certain, retirement with 20 years service, etc---------- 1221 Involuntary retirement -----. -- ---- -. 48 Joint and survivorship annuities- ------ 49, 50 Legislative branch officers and em- ployees, certain, eligibility for benefits----------------. -- -- . 49 Mentally incompetent former employee, ravmAnt t+I mar.dian Ma Fl INDEX , - - ,w- AVtuW bUg UI vw--------- V