Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 62 Part 1.djvu/386

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356 Membenhip in or- ganizations of postal employees. Right to petition Congres. PUBLIC LAWS-CHS. 447-449-JUNE 10, 11, 12, 1948 [62 STAT. "(c) Membership in any society, association, club, or other form of organization of postal employees not affiliated with any outside organization imposing an obligation or duty upon them to engage in any strike, or proposing to assist them in any strike, against the United States, having for its objects, among other things, improvements in the condition of labor of its members, including hours of labor and compensation therefor and leave of absence, by any person or groups of persons in said postal service, or the presenting by any such person or groups of persons of any grievance or grievances to the Congress or any Member thereof shall not constitute or be cause for reduction in rank or compensation or removal of such person or groups of persons from said service. "(d) The right of persons employed in the civil service of the United States, either individually or collectively, to petition Congress, or any Member thereof, or to furnish information to either House of Congress, or to any committee or member thereof, shall not be denied or interfered with." Approved June 10, 1948. [CHAPTER 448] June illJOINT RESOLUTION Jam I1, 1018 [I. J. Res. 2311 To amend section 303 of the Act entitled "An Act to expedite the provision of [Public Law 624] housing in connection with national defense, and for other purposes". Resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United efense housing States of America in Congress assembled, That section 303 (a) of the Act entitled "An Act to expedite the provision of housing in connection with national defense, and for other purposes", approved October 14, 48tat.ll27;5665tat. 1940 (Public Law 849, Seventy-sixth Congress), as amended, is hereby 42U.S. . .1543 (a). amended by striking out the period at the end thereof and inserting .tegnd'Wo Shg. a colon and the following: "And provided further, That moneys derived from the rental and operation of such property and funds from the reserve account established by the Administrator pursuant to this section 303, not exceeding in the aggregate $10,000,000, shall be available and may be used by the Administrator for expenses found necessary in the provision of stopgap emergency housing in the Port- land Oregon-Vancouver, Washington, area for persons and families displaced as the result of the destruction of the temporary housing at Vanport in Multnomah County, Oregon, and other persons and families in such area rendered homeless as a result of the present flood, and in providing such stopgap emergency housing the Administrator 41 v.. 0.. 5. may act without regard to section 3709 of the Revised Statutes." Approved June 11, 1948. [CHAPTER 449] June 12,1948 AN ACT s1.1641 1 To establish the Women's Army Corps in the Regular Army, to authorize the (Pubuc Law O6 enlistment and appointment of women in the Regular Air Force, Regular Navy and Marine Corps and in the Reserve components of the Army, Navy, Air Force, and Marine Corps, and for other purposes. Women's Armed Serviees Integration Act of 1948. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That this Act may be cited as the "Women's Armed Services Integration Act of 1948". TITLE I ARBM SwO. 101. Effective the date of enactment of this title, there is estab- lished in the Regular Army a Women's Army Corps, which shall per- a 3 Cd -