Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 62 Part 1.djvu/387

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62 STAT.] 80TH CONG., 2D SESS.-CH. 449-JUNE 12, 1948 357 form such services as may be prescribed by the Secretary of the Army. SEC. 102. The authorized commissioned, warrant, and enlisted thorized strengths of the Women's Army Corps of the Regular Army shall, engt . from time to time, be determined by the Secretary of the Army, within the authorized commissioned, warrant, and enlisted strengths of the Regular Army, but shall not exceed 2 per centum of such authorized Regular Army strengths, respectively: Provided, That for a period Two-year limits- of two years immediately following the date of this Act, the actual number of regular personnel in the Women's Army Corps of the Regu- lar Army shall at no time exceed five hundred commissioned officers. seventy-five warrant officers and seven thousand, five hundred enlisted women, and such number of commissioned officers shall be appointed in increments of not to exceed 40 per centum, 20 per centum, 20 per centum, and 20 per centum at approximately equally spaced intervals of time during the said period of two years. SEC. 103. (a) From the officers permanently commissioned in the Director of WAC. Women's Army Corps, Regular Army, the Secretary of the Army shall select to serve during his pleasure, but normally not to exceed four years, one officer to be Director of the Women's Army Corps who shall be adviser to the Secretary of the Army on Women's Army Corps matters, and who, without vacation of her permanent grade, shall have the temporary rank, pay, and allowances of a colonel while so serving; one officer to be Deputy Director thereof, who, if permanently com- Deputy Director. missioned in a lower grade, shall, without vacation of her permanent grade, have the temporary rank, pay, and allowances of a lieutenant colonel while so serving; and from among officers of the Women's mdtrinsnoflrsand Army Corps (including Women's Army Corps officers of the Army of the United States or any component thereof serving on extended active duty) the Secretary of the Army shall select to serve during his pleasure such number of officers as he may determine necessary to fill positions designated by him in the administration and training of the Women's Army Corps, who, if permanently commissioned in a lower grade, shall, without vacation of permanent grade, have the temporary rank, pay, and allowances of lieutenant colonel or major while so serving, as the Secretary of the Army may determine: Pro- vided, That after July 1, 1952, such officers shall be selected from , 1 tlon alter July among commissioned officers in the permanent grades of lieutenant colonel or major, except the Director and Deputy Director who shall be selected from among officers in the permanent grade of lieutenant colonel: And provided further,That prior to July 1, 1952, the Secretary of the Army may extend that date one time until such later date as he may select for that purpose but such later date shall not be later than July 1, 1956. (b) Unless entitled to higher retired rank or pay under any pro- pa ra and vision of law, each such commissioned officer who shall have served for two and one-half years as Director or Deputy Director of such corps may upon retirement at the discretion of the President be retired with the rank held by her while so serving, and with retired pay at the rate prescribed by law computed on the basis of the base and longevity pay which she would receive if serving on active duty with such rank, and if thereafter recalled to active service shall be recalled in such rank. SEC. 104. (a) Commissioned officers of the Women's Army Corps of commPi offine the Regular Army shall be appointed by the President, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate, from female citizens of the United States who have attained the age of twenty-one years and who possess such qualifications as may be prescribed by the Secretary of the Army. (b) Except as modified or otherwise provided by express provisions mot. appo nt of law, original appointments of officers in the Women's Army Corps of the Regular Army shall be made from among qualified female