Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 62 Part 1.djvu/432

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PUBLIC LAWS-CH. 465-JUNE 14, 1948 upon the recommendations of the National Advisory Cancer Council, to make grants-in-aid for drawing plans, erection of buildings, and acquisition of land therefor for research and training projects relating to cancer, and such grants (not to exceed a total of $8,000,000) shall, if approved during the fiscal year 1949, constitute a contractual obliga- Research and train- tion of the Federal Government: Provided, That such parts of the ing grants. amount appropriated under this head as the Surgeon General shall determine from time to time to be available for research grants and training grants shall, if obligated during fiscal year 1949, remain available for expenditure for four fiscal years thereafter. Construction of research facilities: For construction of a combined hospital and research building, together with a power plant and distribution facilities, garage, storage facilities, and roads and walks, for the National Institute of Mental Health and for general medical research, including research in cancer and cardiovascular diseases, and for the alteration and repair of existing research facilities and the construction of temporary structures for radioactive research, including acquisition of site or sites and preparation of plans, specifi- cations, and drawings, $5,000,000, to remain available until expended: Provided,That the appropriation of $2,650,000 under this head in the 61 Stat. 27o. Federal Security Agency Appropriation Act, 1948, and the appropria- tion of $850,000 to the Public Buildings Administration under the head "National Institute of Mental Health" in the Independent Offices 61 Stat. 598. Appropriation Act, 1948, shall be consolidated with this appropria- tion, to be disbursed and accounted for as one fund which shall be available for all of the foregoing purposes; and in addition, contracts may be entered into in the amount of $25,630,000 toward completion of construction and alterations herein authorized (excluding the cost of the acquisition of sites and preparation of plans, specifications, and Limitations, drawings) at a cost not to exceed $40,000,000: Providedfurther, That the limitations on contract authority and total cost may be exceeded or shall be reduced by an amount equal to the percentage increase or decrease, if any, in construction costs generally dating from January Transfer of funds. 1, 1948, as determined by the Federal Works Administrator: Provided further, That said fund (except such part as may be necessary for the incidental expenses of the Public Health Service) shall be trans- ferred to the Public Buildings Administration. orpp. 444, 5. Commissioned officers, pay, and so forth: For pay, uniforms and subsistence allowances, increased allowances for foreign service and commutation of quarters for not to exceed one thousand four hundred and fifty-six regular active commissioned officers; for retired pay of regular and reserve commissioned officers; and for six months'death gratuity pay and burial payments for regular commissioned officers; $1,866,300, and the Surgeon General is authorized to transfer to this appropriation from appropriations herein made available to the Public Health Service such additional amounts as may be necessary for pay and allowances of the officers herein authorized. Training for nurses: For expenses necessary for completion of the liquidation of the program for training student nurses enrolled prior to October 16, 1945 under the provisions of the Act of June 15, 1943, 57 Stat. 153. as amended (50 U. S . C., App. 1451, and following), $350,000, to remain available until December 31, 1949. Salaries and expenses: For the divisions and offices of the Office of the Surgeon General and for miscellaneous expenses of the Public Health Service not appropriated for elsewhere, including the super- vision of sanitary engineering, nursing, and dental operations of the Station at Cincin- Public Health Service; maintenance and operation of the water and sanitary investigations station at Cincinnati, Ohio; surveys and investigations concerned with problems of pollution of the waters of 402 [62 STAT.