Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 62 Part 1.djvu/631

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62 STAT.] 8OrH CONG. , 2 D SESS.-CH. 621-JUNE 24, 1948 601 (d) Subsection (e) of section 208 of such Act is amended to read Ant, p . 467. as follows: "(e) Members of the National Advisory Health Council, members of the National Advisory Mental Health Council, members of the National Advisory Cancer Council, members of the National Advisory Heart Council, and members of the National Advisory Dental Research Council, other than ex officio members, while attending conferences or meetings of their respective Councils or while otherwise serving at the request of the Surgeon General, shall be entitled to receive com- pensation at a rate to be fixed by the Administrator, but not exceeding $50 per diem, and shall also be entitled to receive an allowance for actual and necessary traveling and subsistence expenses while so serving away from their places of residence." (e) Paragraph (d) of section 301 of such Act is amended to read An te, p. 467; pot, as follows: "(d) Make grants-in-aid to universities, hospitals, laboratories, and Grantsin-aid to in- other public or private institutions, and to individuals for such research viduals. di projects as are recommended by the National Advisory Health Coun- cil, or, with respect to cancer, recommended by the National Advisory Cancer Council, or, with respect to mental health, recommended by the National Advisory Mental Health Council, or, with respect to heart diseases, recommended by the National Advisory Heart Council, or, with respect to dental diseases and conditions, recommended by the National Advisory Dental Research Council;". ,f) Paragraph (g) of such section 301 is amended to read as follows: An c p. 46s. (g) Adopt, upon recommendation of the National Advisory Health Additional means o Council, or, with respect to cancer, upon recommendation of the ee National Advisory Cancer Council, or, with respect to mental health, upon recommendation of the National Advisory Mental Health Council, or, with respect to heart diseases, upon recommendation of the National Advisory Heart Council, or, with respect to dental diseases and conditions, upon recommendations of the National Advisory Dental Research Council, such additional means as he deems necessary or appropriate to carry out the purposes of this section." RESEARCH FACILITIES SEC. 5 . There is hereby authorized to be appropriated a sum not to Appropriation au. exceed $2,000,000 for the erection and equipment of suitable and adequate buildings and facilities for the use of the National Institute of Dental Research in carrying out the provisions of this Act. The Federal Works Administrator is authorized to acquire, by purchase, condemnation, donation, or otherwise, a suitable and adequate site or sites, selected on the advice of the Surgeon General of the Public Health Service, in or near the District of Columbia for such buildings and facilities, and to erect thereon, furnish, and equip such buildings and facilities. The amount authorized to be appropriated in this section shall include the cost of preparation of drawings and specifica- tions, supervision of construction, and other administrative expenses incident to the work: Provided,That the Federal Works Agency shall prepare the plans and specifications, make all necessary contracts, and supervise construction. GENERAL PROVISIONS SEC. 6. (a) Section 2 of the Public Health Service Act, as amended, s60t. 21 . is amended by striking out the word "and" at the end of paragraph Ante, p . p49. (m), by striking out the period at the end of paragraph (n) and inserting in lieu thereof "; and", and by inserting after paragraph (n) the following new paragraph: