Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 62 Part 1.djvu/632

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PUBLIC LAWS-CHS. 621-623-JUNE 24, 1948 "Dental diseases and conditions." 60 Stat. 1048. 42U. S.C. 291k b). June 24, 1948 [S. 2192] [Public Law 756] 36 Stat. 547; 41 Stat. 475. 49U.S.C. 1(7). June 24, 1948 [S. 22371 [Public Law 757] "(o) The term 'dental diseases and conditions' means diseases and conditions affecting teeth and their supporting structures, and other related diseases of the mouth." (b) Section 633 (b) of such Act is amended by striking out "$25" and by inserting in lieu thereof "$50". Approved June 24, 1948. [CHAPTER 622] AN ACT To amend the Interstate Commerce Act so as to permit the issuance of free passes to time inspectors of carriers subject to part I of such Act. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That paragraph (7) of section 1 of the Interstate Commerce Act, as amended, is amended by striking out "its officers, surgeons, physicians, and attor- neys at law," and inserting in lieu thereof the following: "its officers, time inspectors, surgeons, physicians, and attorneys at law,". Approved June 24, 1948. [CHAPTER 623] AN ACT To increase certain benefits payable under the Longshoremen's and Harbor Workers' Compensation Act. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the Longshoremen's United States of America in Congress assembled, That subsection (b) and Harbor Workers' Compensation Act, of section 6 of the Longshoremen's and Harbor Workers' Compensation 44 8tat.1426 . Act is amended to read as follows: Di3 . s.ity c906p(b "(b) Compensation for disability shall not exceed $35 per week sation. and compensation for total disability shall not be less than $12 per week: Provided, however, That, if the employee's average weekly 44 8tat. 1431. wages, as computed under section 10, are less than $12 per week, he 33 U.S.C. 1910. Poet p.p0. shall receive as compensation for total disability his average weekly wages. " 44 Stat. 1427. ) SEC. 2. So much of subdivision (c) of section 8 of such Act, as (1) . amended, as precedes paragraph (1) thereof is amended to read as follows: Permanent partial "(c) Permanent partial disability: In case of disability partial in character but permanent in quality the compensation shall be 66% per centum of the average weekly wages, which shall be in addition to com- pensation for temporary total disability or temporary partial dis- ability paid in accordance with subdivision (b) or subdivision (e) of this section, respectively, and shall be paid to the employee, as follows :". 44Stat. 49. SEC. 3 . Subsections (a), (b), (c), and (e) of section 9 of the Long- 33U.S.C.190 W (a)-(e). shoremen's and Harbor orkers'ompensation Act, as amended, are amended to read as follows: Funeral expenses. "(a) Reasonable funeral expenses not exceeding $400. If there be a surviving wife orwife dependent husband and no child of the deceased, to such surviving wife or dependent husband 35 per centum of the average wages of the deceased, during widow- hood, or dependent widowerhood, with two years' compensation in Surviving d. one sum upon remarriage; and if there be a surviving child or children of the deceased, the additional amount of 15 per centum of Remarrage. such wages for each such child; in case of the death or remarriage of such surviving wife or dependent husband, if there be one surviving child of the deceased employee, such child shall have his compensation increased to 35 per centum of such wages, and if there be more than one surviving child of the deceased employee, to such children, in 602 [62 STAT.