Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 62 Part 1.djvu/79

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8OrT CONG. , 2 D SESS.-CH. 84 -FEB. 28, 1948 such age, be automatically separated from the service, and all salary, pay, or compensation shall cease from that date, and the head of each department, branch, or independent office of the Government concerned shall notify each such employee under his direction of the date of his separation from the service at least sixty days in advance thereof: Pro- vided, That should the head of the department, branch, or independent office fail, through error, to give timely notification, the employee's separation from the service shall not be effected without his consent until the expiration of said sixty-day period. Upon such separation, the officer or employee shall be eligible for retirement on annuity as provided in section 4 hereof. "(b) No person who is receiving an annuity under the provisions of this Act and who has reached the age of sixty years shall be eligible again to appointment to any appointive office, position, or employment under the Government of the United States or of the District of Columbia, unless the appointing authority determines that he is pos- sessed of special qualifications: Provided,That no deductions for the retirement fund shall be withheld from the salary, pay, or compensa- tion of such person, but there shall be deducted from his salary, pay, or compensation otherwise payable a sum equal to the retirement annu- ity allocable to the period of actual employment: Provided further, That the annuity in such case shall not be redetermined upon such person's subsequent separation from the service." SEC. 3 . (a) Except insofar as amendments made by this Act change rates of interest and eliminate tontine deductions, such amendments shall not apply to any person subject to the provisions of section 3A of the Act of May 29,1930, as amended, and the rights and obligations of such person under such Act shall continue as though this Act had not been enacted. (b) Section 3 (a) of the Act of May 29,1930, as amended, is amended by adding at the end thereof the following: "Notwithstanding any other provision of this Act, any officer or employee in the legislative branch of the Government within the classes of officers or employees which were made eligible for the benefits of this Act by the Act of July 13, 1937, serving in such position on the effective date of this Act, may give notice of his desire to come within the pur- view of this Act at any time prior to July 1,1948." SEC. 4 . Section 4 of the Act of May 29, 1930, as amended, is amended to read as follows: "SEC. 4. (a) The annuity of an officer or employee retired under this Act shall be a life annuity, terminable upon the death of the annuitant and shall be an amount equal to the following: (1) 1%/ per centum of the average annual basic salary, pay, or compensation received by the officer or employee during any five consecutive years of allowable service at the option of the officer or employee multiplied by the years of service, or (2) 1 per centum of the average annual basic salary, pay, or compensation received by the officer or employee during any five consecutive years of allowable service at the option of the officer or employee multiplied by the years of service, plus a sum equal to $25 for each year of such service: Provided, That in no case shall the annuity exceed an amount equal to 80 per centum of the highest average annual basic salary, pay, or compensation received by the officer or employee during five consecutive years of allowable service. "(b) Any officer or employee, if a husband, retiring under the pro- visions of section 1, 2, or 6 of this Act may at the time of his retirement elect to receive in lieu of the life annuity described herein a reduced annuity and an annuity after his death payable to his surviving widow designated by him at time of retirement equal to 50 per centum of such life annuity. The annuity of the officer or employee making such 68706--49-pt. 1--- Notification to em- ployee. Failure to give noti- fication. Infra. Reemployment aft- er 60. Deduction from pay. Annuity. 60 Stat. 850 . SU.S.C. § 693-1. Post, p . 604. 46 Stat. 470. 5 U.S. C. §693 (a); Supp. I, § 693 (a). Ante, p. 5. 60 Stat. 512. 6 U. . C.§§ 603b- 693d, 698b, 715d, 719a. 46 Stat. 471. 5 U.S .C .§698. Computation of an- nuity. Limitation. Reduced annuity; widow's annuity. Ante, p. 48. 46 Stat. 472. 5U. S. C. 1 710-714. Poet p. 51. 49 62 STAT.]