Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 62 Part 1.djvu/80

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50 PUBLIC LAWS-CH. 84 -FEB. 28, 1948 [62 STAT. election shall be equal to 90 per centum of such life annuity, reduced by three-fourths of 1 per centum of such life annuity for each full year, if any, his wife is under the age of sixty at the date of such retirement, but shall in no case be less than 75 per centum of such life annuity. The annuity of such widow shall begin on the first day of the month in which the death of the husband occurs or the first day of the month following the widow's attainment of age fifty, whichever is the later, and such annuity or any right thereto shall terminate upon her death or remarriage. vierannuityd" su ' "(c) Any unmarried officer or employee in good health retiring Ante, p. 48. under the provisions of section 1 or 2 of this Act may at the time of his retirement elect to receive in lieu of the life annuity described herein a reduced annuity payable to him during his life, and an annuity after his death payable to a survivor annuitant having an insurable interest in such officer or employee, duly designated in writing and filed with the Civil Service Commission at the tune of his retirement, during the life of such survivor annuitant equal to 50 per centum of such reduced annuity and upon the death of such survivor annuitant all payments shall cease and no further annuity shall be due and payable. The annuity hereunder payable to the officer or employee shall be 90 per centum of the life annuity otherwise payable if the survivor annuitant is the same age or older than the annuitant, or is less than five years younger than the annuitant; 85 per centum if the survivor annuitant is five but less than ten years younger; 80 per centum if the survivor annuitant is ten but less than fifteen years younger; 75 per centum if the survivor annuitant is fifteen but less than twenty years younger; 70 per centum if the survivor annuitant is twenty but less than twenty- five years younger; and 60 per centum if the survivor annuitant is Validit oelection twenty-five or more years younger. No such election shall be valid until the retiring officer or employee shall have satisfactorily passed a physical examination as prescribed by the Civil Service Commission. No person shall be eligible to receive an annuity under this subsection Post, p. 54. and an annuity under subsection (c) of section 12, based upon the service of the same officer or employee, covering the same period of time. "(d) For the purpose of this Act all periods of service shall be com- 4fitat.4 72 0. puted in accordance with section 5 hereof, and the monthly annuity Infra. installment shall be fixed at the nearest dollar. 59 tat. 301. " (e) Except as provided in sections 501 and 522 (b) of the Federal 935 (b). Employees Pay Act of 1945, as amended, the term 'basic salary, pay, or or coensalaryn.ay compensation', wherever used in this Act, shall be so construed as to exclude from the operation of the Act all bonuses, allowances, overtime pay, or salary, pay, or compensation given in addition to the base pay of the position as fixed by law or regulation." 4fStat.C 4 72 . SEC. 5. The first paragraph of section 5 of the Act of May 29, 1930, 5 U.S.C. §707. Ante, p. 5. as amended, is amended to read as follows: Pestiof serovice "Subject to the provisions of section 9 hereof, the aggregate period of computation of ag-regateaperod of nuity service which forms the basis for calculating the amount of any annuity Pst, . 53. provided in this Act shall be computed from the date of original employment, whether as a classified or an unclassified officer or em- ployee in the civil service of the United States, or in the service of the District of Columbia, including periods of service at different times and in one or more departments, branches, or independent offices, or the legislative branch of the Government, and also periods of service per- formed overseas under authority of the United States, and periods of honorable service in the Army, Navy, Marine Corps, or Coast Guard of the United States; in the case of an officer or employee, however, who is eligible for and receives retired pay on account of military or naval service, the period of service upon which such retired pay is based