Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 62 Part 2.djvu/1221

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2510 INTERNATIONAL AGREEMENTS OTHER THAN TREATIES [62 STAT. grants; and (g) such other practices as the two Governments may agree to include, 4. It is understood that the Government of the Netherlands is obligated to tab action in particular instances in accordance with paragraph 3 Ante, p. 2486 . of Article II only after appropriate investigation or examination. 5. It is understood that the phrase in Ante, p. 2492. Article V "after due regard for the reasonable requirements of the Netherlands for domestic use" would include the maintenance of reasonable stocks of the materials concerned and that the phrase "commercial export" might include barter transactions. It is also understood that arrangements negotiated under Article V might. appropriately include provision for consultation, in accordance with the principles of Article 32 of the HavanaCharter for an International Trade Organization, in the event that stockpiles are liquidated. 6. It is understood that the Government of the Netherlands will not be requested, under Ante, p. 2496. paragraph 2 (a) of Article VII, to furnish detailed informationabout minor projects or confidential commercial'or technical information the disclosure of which would injure legitimate commercial interests. 7. It is understood that the Government of the United States of America in making the notifications referred to in paragraph 2 of Ante, p. 2408. Article IX would bear in mind the desirability of res'ricting, so far as practicable, the number of officials for whom full diplomatic privileges would be requested. it is also understood that the detailed application of Article IX would, when necessary, be the subject of intergovernmental discussion. 8. It is understood that any agreements which might be arrived at pursuant to paragraph 4 Ante, p. 02. of article X would be subject to ratification by the Senate of the United