Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 62 Part 2.djvu/1259

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INTERNATIONAL AGREEMENTS OTHER THAN TREATIES [62 STAT. specific projects contemplated by the Government of Sweden to be undertaken in substantial part with assistance made available pursuant to this Agreementpincluding whenever practicable projects for increased production of steel, transportation facilities and food; (c) to stabilize its currency, esteblish or maintain a valid rate of exchange, balance its governmen- tal budget, create or maintain in- ternal financial stability and gene- rally restore or maintain confidence in its monetary system; and (d) to cooperate with other par- ticipating countries in facilitating and stimulating an increasing inter- change of goods and services among the participating countries and with other countries and in reducing pub- lic and private barriers to trade among themselves and with other countries. 2. Tacing into account Article 8 of the Convention for European Econo- mic Cooperation looking toward the full and effective use of manpower available in the participating coun- tries the Government of Sweden will accord sympathetic consideration to proposals made in conjunction with the International Refugee Organiza- tion the largest practi- fbrslag till sarskilda investe- ringsplaner, vilka av Sveriges regering fSreslAs bliva genom- fdrda till avsevard del med bi- stand stallt till flrfogande en- ligt denna overenskommelse, dSri- bland, nar detta later sig gora, investeringsplaner for 6kad pro- duktion oa stAl, transportmedel och livsmedel; c) att stabilisera valutan, faststalla eller vidmakthAlla valavvwgda vaxelkurser, balan- sera statsbudgeten, skapa eller vidmakthalla inre finansiell stabilitet, och att overhuvud Aterstalla eller vidmakthAlla fortroendet for penningsystemet; samt d) att samarbeta med ovriga deltagande lInder for att under- latta och stimulera ett okat ut- byte av varor och tjanster mellan de deltagande landerna och med andra lander sait att minska star- liga och enskilda hinder for handeln dem emellan och med andra lander. 2. Med hansyn tagen till artikel 8 i konventionen angAende europeiskt ekonomiskt samarbete, syftande till fullstandigt och effektivt utnyttjande av den i de deltagande lSnderna tillgangliga arbetskraften, kommer Svariges re- geripg att velvilligt prsva fSr- slag, som frsmforas i anslutning till den internationella flykting- 2548 Maintenance of fi- nancial stability. Post, p. 2562 . Stimulation of trade. Utilization of man- power.