Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 62 Part 2.djvu/1260

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62 STAT.] SWEDEN-ECONOMIC COOPERATION-JULY 3, 1948 cable utilization of manpower avail- able in any of the participating countries in furtherance of the ac- complishment of the purposes of this Agreement. 3. The Government of Sweden.will take the measures which it deems appropriate, and will cooperate with other participating countries, to prevent, on the part of private or public commercial enterprises, busi- ness practices or business arrange- ments affecting international trade 'which restrain competition, limit access to markets' or foster mono- polistic control whenever such practices or arrangements have the effect of interfering with the achievement of the joint program of $uropean recovery. Article III- (Guaranties) 1. The Governments of the United States of America and Sweden will, upon the request of either Govern- ment, consult respecting projects in Sweden proposed by nationals of the United States of America and with regard to which.the Government of the United States of America may appropriately make guaranties of currency transfer under section 111 (b) (3) of the Economic Cooperation Act Of 1948. 2. The Government of Sweden agrees that if the Government of the United States of America makes payment in United SPates dollars to any person organisationen och som avse vidast moJliga utnyttJande av arbets- kraft, som ar tillganglig i nAgot av de deltagande lfnderna till framjande av att denna overens- kommelses syftemal forverkligas. 3. Sveriges regering kommer att vidtaga de atgarder den fin- ner lAmpliga och kommer att sam- arbeta med andra deltagande lanider for att fBrhindra sadana affirs- metoder eller anordningar be- rorande den internationella han- deln fran enskilda eller allminna ifretags sida, eoa in*kranka kon- kurrensen, begrklsa tilltradet till marknader eller uppamma mono- polistisk kontroll, narhelst es- dana metoder eller anordningar inL krakta pa genomfirandet av det gemensamma programmet for euro- peisk Atenrppbyggnad. Artikel III (Garantier) 1. Plrenta Staternas oh Sve- rigee regeringar komma att, pa be- garan av endera regeringen, sam - rada rorande inveeteringsplaner i. Sverige, vilka framliggas av med- borgare I Pfrenta Staterna och rlrande vilka Porenta Staternas regering limpligen mA stalla g&- ranter for valutatransferering enligt artikel 111 (b) (3) i 1948 ars lag om ekonomiskt sanar- bete. 2. Sreriges regering medgiver, att om Porenta Staternas regering verkstaller betalning i dollar till nAgon nnder en garanti av 2549 Prevention of prac- tices interfering with achievement of pro- gram. Post, pp . 2562, 2563. 62 Stat., Pt. 1, pp. 144, 1056. Post, p. 2561.