Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 62 Part 2.djvu/1325

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INDEX Berrar, Juan, confirmation of title to cer- tain lands --- _--- --- ____________- Berry, Odell, pardon of --- --- _______ Berschauer, Arthur Rohland, pardon of__ Best, Robert, pardon of_______________ - Betz, Merle Don, pardon of___________ Bevilacqua, Joseph G., pardon of --_ ._ _ _ Beyer, Joseph W., payment to-- __. ___ Beylard, Charles B., payment to-_ _ _ _ _ - Biason, Joan, admission for permanent residence.______ ____________ __________ Biason, Perfecto M., admission for per- manent residence. -_ __ _ _ -__ _ ---- Bibbins, Edward M. , pardon of________ Bible, Reginald Allen, pardon of - __ _- _ _ Biederman, Charles R., payment to---. Bigelow, William Moody, pardon of---- Bigger, Edward W., consideration of claim


Bilan, Frank, pardon of. - _.

_____ Birds, Migratory. See Migratory Birds. Bishop, Kenneth Russel, pardon of______ Bitano, Mariano, pardon of - -__________ Black Dog, James, issuance of patent in fee to, authorized--______________ Blacknall, Bessie B. , payment to_______ Blackwood, Jeff Davis (Dr.), pardon of__ Blake, Daniel Henry, payment to_______ Blake, Ralph J., payment to -- __--.__- Bland, Edith, payment to_... ..... ... Blankenship, Thomas, pardon of________ Blanton, John Ellis, pardon of-- ___..- Blasiak, David T., pardon of......... _ Bleich, Fred Charles, pardon of-...... Bleich, Lesbur, pardon of --------..- __ Bodkin, Stephen A., credit to account --- Bohlman, Richard August, pardon of...-- Bohorchas, Alexander James, pardon of- Bolivia, Treaties With: Inter-American reciprocal assistance- _- Public Health, International Office of, q.v . Bolles, Randolph, payment to estate of__ Bonaventura, Filiberto A., can cellation of order and warrant of deportation --- Booker, Clyde, pardon of .------- _-_- Boomgaarden, Lloyd Weird, pardon of -_ Boon, Joe, pardon of ------- _


Boone, James Otis, pardon of-------- Borah, William E. , former Senator, un- veiling of statue, printing of pro- ceedings-_ __ _ __ ..... ____ .___ .-- Bottomley, Harriet Townsend, payment to___........________.....__.._ Bowen, James Lamar, pardon of------ Bowman, David Franklin, pardon of ---- Bowman, Ralph Calvin, pardon of----- _- Bozman, William Wilson, pardon of---- Bracken, Ernest, pardon of --------- Page 1388 1443 1443 1443 1443 1443 1345 1314 1360 1360 1443 1443 1408 1443 1352 1443 1443 1443 1315 1345 1443 1339 1314 1314 1443 1443 1443 1443 1443 1346 144:3 1443 1681 1344 1366 1443 1443 1443 1443 1428 1375 1443 1443 1443 1 AJO Branch, Earl Lemnell, pardon of________ Branch, Robert Lee, pardon of ---- __ __ Brandt, John Charles, pardon of_..__ . Brazil: General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade, Oct. 30, 1947- Contracting party to, proclamation- Supplementation- Article XIV, special protocol modi- fying -- _--------__________ Declaration pursuant to Article XXIX, sub-paragraph 2 (a) Modification of certain provisions, protocol respecting ------- __ Rectifications, protocol of----- __- Military advisory mission, agreement respecting ------------------ ___ Military personnel, U. S . stationed in Brazil, Brazilian in U. S., agree- ment respecting ----- __________- Trade agreement proclamation, termi- nation of -------------------- __ Treaties- Inter-American Coffee Agreement, modification and extension - __ _ Inter-American treaty of reciprocal assistance ---------- _-- ______ Sugar, regulation of production and marketing, prolongation of agree- ment of May 6, 1937- -.--.-.- Whaling, regulation of- International convention, Dec. 2, 1946 ----------.-- -. ..-- -- Protocol of Nov. 26, 1945, exten- sion ------------..-....... _ Brenner, Dora, admission for permanent residence --------.--. . .. .-- - - - Brenzovich, Frank, Jr., pardon of-----. . Brewlngton, Ervin, pardon of- ..- .. ... Briggs, Carl Maynard, pardon of ------_ Briggs, Mary D., Estate of, relief from liability -----------------..-.-- ___ Bright, Christopher Columbus, Jr., pardon of-.. ._ _. ... ... ... ... ... ... ... . Bristol, James Ellery, pardon of____ .. Britt, James Eason, pardon of.- --- __. Brittingham, Littleton Thomas, pardon of_ Britton, Joshua, confirmation of title to certain lands ----.- ...-----_______ Brodeur, Leon Edward, pardon of -- ___- Brooke, James Charles, pardon of -. - __- Brooks, Arle, pardon of _ ..- ..... __ .- Brooks, Simon, pardon of-----_______- Brovont, Howard E., pardon of_ ... ... . _ Brown, Alfred Junior, pardon of_- ...-- _ Brown, David Wallace, pardon of . ...-. Brown, Frank, pardon of----------- __ .- R._- _ U., -- vj-.- - _--J_ oh t[o0 Dorown, n arry UWarEU, parLon o -- . __ 1443 Brown, Irvin Walter, pardon of -.- - - -- . Page 1443 1443 1443 1529 2000 1988 1992 1962 2125 1957 1547 1658 1681 1654 1716 1577 1366 1443 1443 1443 1339 1444 1444 1444 1444 1348 1444 1444 1444 1444 1444 1444 1444 1444 1444 1444 CLXV