Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 62 Part 2.djvu/1326

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INDEX Brown, James, pardon of -------------- Brown, John, pardon of __________ -__ _- Brown, Leonard W., pardon of---_ _ ---- Brown, Robert Grady, pardon of________ Brown, Walter, pardon of--_ _- -_ __ _ -- -- Browning, Delbert Romane, pardon of___ Broze, Zenon Richard, pardon of________ Bruce Brothers Grain Company, payment to -------- _ -- --- ---- --- ---. --- -- Bryant, Hardy H., payment to_------- Bubriak, Charles, pardon of--------- Buchnoff, Jim William, pardon of_______ Buck, George D., pardon of ---- _____- Buelow, Merle Robert, pardon of-------- Buenrostro, Santan, pardon of -- _____- Bulgaria, Treaties With: Agriculture, International Institute of, q.v . Public Health, International Office of, q.v. Bumphrey, Floyd Ossian, pardon of -- _- Bumstead, Max Francis, pardon of ___ -_ Burchard, Lloyd August, pardon of---- __ Burdette, Samuel O., license for practice of chiropractic in District of Columbia, issuance authorized - __ __ __ __ _ __ __ _ Burgess, James, pardon of ---- ____ __ Burgh, John Stanley, pardon of -_ - _ _ _ __ Burkett, Billie Joe, pardon of_ -_ _ __ _ __ - Burleson, John B., payment to-- _ _ __ _ _ _ Burma: General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade, Oct. 30, 1947- Contracting party to, proclamation respecting ------------- .. - - . _ Supplementation- Article XIV, special protocol modi- fying ------. ... .. .. ... .. -- Declaration pursuant to Article XXIX, sub-paragraph 2 (a)__ Modification of certain provisions, protocol respecting - __. .___. Rectifications, protocol of _______ Publications, official, exchange of, agree- ment respecting ------ ___ ___ ___ - U. S. Educational Foundation, estab- lishment, agreement respecting ..- Burnett, Frank Hester, pardon of - __ _. Burns, William J., International Detective Agency, payment to --------- ____ Burton, Clifford, pardon of ----- ___.___ Burton, Robert C., payment to--_ _._ __ Bury, Daniel, pardon of - -_____________ Butcher, George McFarland, Jr., pardon of_ Buti, Mario, pardon of---- . - -- _ - --- ___- Buzzelli, Joseph Anthony, pardon of -- _ _ Byelorussian Soviet Socialist Republic, International Office of Public Health, protocol respecting--------. Page 1444 1444 1444 1444 1444 1444 1444 1337 1382 1444 1444 1444 1444 1444 1444 1444 '1444 1400 1444 1444 1444 1314 1529 2000 1988 1992 1962 1892 1814 1444 1417 1444 1314 1444 1444 1444 1444 1604 Byrd, Frank, pardon of ---- __ ------- _- Byrd, Robert Percell, pardon of -------- C Cabral Lorenzo, Jose, admission for per- manent residence - . -..

Caffey Robertson-Smith, Inc., Memphis, Tenn., payment to----_ __ .- __ __ -__ - - Cahn, Mrs. Margaret K., payment to___ Cahoon, Ralph Henry, Jr., pardon of --- Calhoun, David Brannon, pardon of _ - - . Calibuzo, Francisco Nuevo, pardon of .-- Callaghan, Marjorie, payment to-----_ - Callahan, Hedrick, pardon of-----. Camarda, Thomas, cancellation of warrants of arrest or orders of deportation___ Cameron, Leonard G., jurisdiction of Court to hear claim--- ___ ________ _ Campbell, Mrs. Elizabeth, payment to estate of -------------- _-____-____ Campbell, Hassell Andrew McNeil, pardon of ----- ________________--- Campbell, Walter N., release and quit- claim of title to certain land to--- Campbell, Zenobia, release and quitclaim of title to certain land to -------- Campos, Baudelio, pardon of___________ Canada: International agreements other than treaties- Fur seals, provisional agreement of Dec. 8, 19, 1942, amendment_ - General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade, Oct. 30, 1947, supple- mentation- Article XIV, special protocol modifying ..----------- __ .-- Article XXIV, special protocol re- lating to---------. Declaration pursuant to Article XXIX, sub-paragraph 2 (a) - - Modification of certain provisions, protocol respecting ---- Rectifications, protocol of -- ____ _ Shellfish industries, sanitary practices in___________________________ Trade agreement, Nov. 17, 1938, termi- nation of proclamation -_ _ -- - Treaties- Agriculture, International Institute of, q.v. Labor Organization, International, q.v . Public Health, International Office of, q.v . Whaling, regulation of- International convention, Dec. 2, 1946..... ---.-....-....... Protocol of Nov. 26. 1945. extension_ Page 1444 1444 1336 1364 1367 1444 1444 1444 1315 1444 1362 1376 1322 1444 1311 1311 1444 1821 2000 2013 1988 1992 1962 1898 1464 1716 1577 CLXVI